12 Traits of a Narcissist: Understanding Narcissistic Behavior

Is there a certain individual in your life who always keeps their interest above everyone else's?

Do they exhibit an extreme sense of entitlement or constantly need admiration?

If so, this person may be demonstrating the 12 traits of a narcissist.

Even though narcissist traits of females and and males, these 12 ones are quite common and that’s what we’ll discuss in this article today.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, an inflated sense of one's own abilities, and a profound lack of empathy, manifesting as an enduring pattern of grandiosity and an excessive need for admiration.

This disorder often begins in early adulthood and persists across various contexts.

People with this disorder consistently place themselves above others, exploiting them for personal gain, and rarely expressing gratitude or understanding for their feelings.

Origins and Prevalence

Tracing its roots in Greek mythology, narcissism remains prevalent in all societies.

This phenomenon isn't confined to individuals but extends to groups, from small cliques to giant corporations, and even nations. Its ubiquity and impact on society make it a point of considerable consequence.

Narcissism permeates many aspects of life, from relationships and family dynamics to workplaces and leadership roles.

However, not all narcissistic behaviors translate to Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

It's crucial to understand that occasional instances of self-obsession or arrogance don't equate to this condition.

That's why mental health professionals rely on certain traits and patterns to identify this disorder.

Understanding Narcissistic Behavior

In a bid to understand narcissistic people's behavior, acknowledging the 12 key traits of a narcissist can be illuminating.

These traits, observed and identified by psychologists over time, aim to help recognize, comprehend, and negotiate interactions with people demonstrating narcissistic tendencies.

The purpose here is not to demonize individuals demonstrating these traits but to enable a better understanding of their behavior, paving the way for healthy relationships and effective communication.

You can also learn the differences between Female Narcissist and Male Narcissist in our article.

Detailed Examination of Narcissistic Traits (1-4)

Grandiosity and Expectation of Superior Treatment

Definition and Exhibition of Grandiosity

Grandiosity is one of the most recognizable narcissistic personality traits.

This term pertains to an inflated self-view, a belief in one's superiority, and the ability to make grand plans.

A narcissistic person exhibiting this trait operates under the belief that they possess an unwavering power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love that sets them apart from others.

It is not uncommon for them to believe that they are destined for greatness and that ordinary rules don't apply to them.

Expecting Favorable Treatment and Admiration

Grandiosity is often complemented by the expectation of superior treatment from others.

A narcissistic personality believes that their perceived higher status demands constant praise and admiration.

This expectation extends to all interactions, from close relationships to casual acquaintances.

They are quick to feel slighted if they do not receive the treatment and adulation they believe they deserve.

Real-world Examples

Take, for instance, a manager who assumes that his ideas are inherent brilliance and dismisses input from his team.

Even compliments to other team members may feel threatening, as they challenge his assumed superiority.

Or consider a friend who expects lavish birthday gifts but gives minimal thought to your special occasions. You can read this post to understand What is Narcissistic Gift Giving and how they use it as a weapon.

Both instances provide real-world examples of grandiosity and expectations of superior treatment respective to narcissistic personality traits.

Obsession with Fantasies of Unlimited Success, Power, Brilliance

Defining the Trait

An unjustified and unrealistic sense of grandiosity, manifesting as obsessive fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, or ideal love, forms another pivotal sign of narcissism, where narcissists often live in their private fantastical world reigning supreme, surrounded by admiring followers, and are never challenged or undermined.

Occurrence and Impact of Extreme Fantasies

This continuous preoccupation with extreme fantasies serves two main functions.

First, it reinforces their sense of grandiosity, offering a refuge from reality's setbacks or criticisms.

More alarmingly, it supplants the narcissist's genuine self with a fantastical, idealized version.

This incessant need to escape into fantasy can severely hinder personal and professional relationships, resulting in the characteristic toxic narcissist behaviors.

Case Studies

Consider a case study of a budding artist too engrossed in her dreams of unparalleled success and fame, leading her to overlook the groundwork of building skills and networking.

Or a seemingly charismatic individual whose romantic relationships continually collapse.

Here, the partner cannot live up to the narcissist's idealized version of a perfect love interest.

For those dealing with a narcissistic wife and want to get a divorce, I have written a dedicated post for you guys here.

Perception of Being Unique and Special

Unraveling Uniqueness in Narcissism

Narcissists not only foster a grandiose self-image but also perceive themselves as unique and special.

They might think of themselves as a misunderstood genius, a divinely chosen entity, or someone too elite to mingle with the ordinary crowd.

This trait bolsters their belief that they can only be understood by, or should associate with, high-status individuals.

Association with High-status Individuals or Institutions

Name-dropping and continual bragging about their affiliation with perceived higher-status individuals is common among narcissists.

This behavior offers an external validation of their supreme self-view.

Furthermore, their association with these entities enhances their grandiosity, underlining their detachment and indifference to the 'ordinary' individuals.

Examples from Everyday Life

Everyday examples could include a neighbor who continually mentions their 'exclusive' club memberships, subtly keeping others at bay.

Or a colleague who prides himself on seemingly intimate connections with higher-ups, even if their relationship is more professional than personal.

These behaviors, while alienating, aid in identifying a narcissist in daily life.

Elaborate Evaluation of Traits (5-8)

In an elaborate evaluation of traits, a mental health professional is vital in deciphering the distorted reality within a narcissistic relationship, where the narcissist's manipulation of their own reality can have profound implications.

Extreme Need for Admiration

The Mechanism of Admiration in Narcissism

The extreme need for admiration forms one of the core narcissistic personality traits seen in individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

Their seemingly tough exterior is often merely a facade protecting vulnerable self-esteem that is hinged on others' praise and affirmation.

Their self-worth relies heavily on how others perceive them, making external validation crucial for their esteem.

Sensitivity to Admiration and Praise

This sensitivity to the flow of admiration and praise makes the individual susceptible to feeling slighted or overly criticized if the expected adulation is lacking.

This craving for constant admiration can be a sign of narcissism, making their relationships transactional and conditional rather than mutual and respectful.

Application Examples

Take, for example, a person who seeks compliments consistently and reacts poorly when they aren't forthcoming.

They might consider lighthearted banter or constructive criticism as direct attacks on their identity, leading to outbursts, grudges, and in severe cases, vengeful actions.

For those who are dealing with annoying mother-in-law in specific, they should look for one of my previous article where I have shared some tactics that might help you.

Sense of Entitlement

Understanding Entitlement in Narcissism

Closely tied to grandiosity is narcissists' inherent sense of entitlement.

They view themselves as superior and, therefore, naturally deserving of privileges and favors from others without the need for reciprocation.

This deep-rooted belief is one of the narcissist personality indicators and is a core characteristic of a narcissist.

Expectations of Automatic Compliance

Narcissists tend to impose their will on others, assuming automatic acquiescence in consideration of their self-perceived worthiness.

They expect immediate gratification of their requests, irrespective of the convenience or comfort of others.

This expectation often translates into a dismissive attitude toward others' boundaries and feelings.

Practical Examples

An example might be a friend who demands your undivided attention at all times, completely disregarding your other obligations.

Or, perhaps a boss who shirks responsibilities, expecting subordinates to pick up the slack, and pronounce it as their deserved rights based on position.

Exploitation of Others

Role of Exploitation in Narcissism

Exploitation, an alarming aspect of narcissism, involves using others to fulfill self-serving needs without any consideration for their welfare.

This can manifest as emotional, mental, or even financial exploitation.

Narcissists, given their lack of empathy, often engage in such actions without guilt or remorse.

Manipulative and Haughty Behavior Traits

Narcissists exhibit a series of manipulative behaviors to maintain their perceived superiority and control.

They may use flattery, withholding affection or approval, intimidation, or guilt-tripping as a means to an end.

Further, their haughty behavior often pushes them to belittle others to bolster their self-esteem, a manifestation of toxic narcissistic behaviors.

Real-life Instances

Consider the example of a romantic partner who manipulates their significant other into forsaking friendships to cater to their needs unequivocally.

Or, a workplace scenario where a superior exploits a beginner's naivety, thrusting extra work onto them under the guise of a 'learning experience.'

These instances underline the exploitative practices characteristic of narcissists.

Thorough Study of Traits (9-12)

Lack of Empathy

The Implication of Empathy Deficiency

When discussing narcissistic personality disorder, one cannot overlook the pronounced lack of empathy, which is one of the defining signs of narcissism.

Empathy, the capacity to understand and share others' feelings, is a trait glaringly absent in a narcissist's persona.

This inability contributes heavily to their self-centered personality traits and shapes their egotistical behavior characteristics.

Inability to Identify with Others’ Feelings

Narcissists often fail to recognize or understand the emotions and needs of others.

Consequently, they disregard others' feelings, unless they serve their interests, making genuine, caring relationships challenging to maintain.

Recognizing this lack of empathic response plays a crucial role in identifying a narcissist.

Demonstrative Examples

An empathetic individual might comfort a distressed friend, understanding their hurt.

In contrast, a narcissist might disregard or trivialize their emotions, failing to offer the needed comfort.

Alternatively, they might use a friend's vulnerable state to manipulate or guilt-trip, one of the toxic narcissist behaviors that are detrimental to surrounding individuals.

Envy of Others and Belief Others Envy Them

Deciphering Envy in Narcissism

Envy is another notable aspect of narcissistic personality traits.

Narcissists harbor resentment towards others' accomplishments, often belittling them to maintain their self-perceived superiority.

Paradoxically, they also believe others envy them for their supremacy, reinforcing their grandiosity.

Perceived Envy from Others

By believing that others envy them, narcissists validate their sense of superiority and unique specialness.

Even slight admiration from others can be misconstrued as envy, fortifying their narcissistic personality indicators.

Case Scenarios

Consider a colleague diminishing others' achievements while continually citing their accomplishments as enviable.

Behaviors such as these can be insightful in understanding the pervasive pattern of envy in narcissism.

Arrogant and Haughty Behavior

Arrogance as an Indicative Trait

Lastly, the arrogant and haughty behaviors of narcissists offer another window into their psychological makeup.

Their inflated self-image and belief in their superiority inevitably translate into behaviors that communicate disdain and arrogance toward others.

Recognizing these emotional traits of narcissists can aid in navigating your interactions with them.

Physical and Verbal Expressions of Haughtiness

Narcissists' cocky, dismissive attitude isn't mere perception; it often emerges through their verbal and non-verbal communication.

They might sound condescending, use sarcastic or cold undertones, interrupt others, flaunt their achievements, or use grandiose body language, all of which reflect their feelings of supremacy and indifference towards others.

Everyday Examples

From a neighbor who never misses a chance to flaunt their expensive possessions dismissively, to a boss who continually talks down to their employees, signs of arrogance and haughtiness can serve as a red flag to determine narcissistic characteristics in daily interactions.

Wrapping Up: The Implications and Handling of Narcissism

Narcissism, with its range of toxic behaviors and emotional traits, carries significant implications not just for the individual but also for their relationships and the broader society.

The exploitation of others, lack of empathy, and arrogance, endemic to this personality disorder, can create a challenging environment for those entangled with narcissists.

Their loved ones may experience emotional drain, disrupted peace, and even develop psychological issues due to the constant stress and manipulation.

On a societal level, narcissism can spurn destructive leadership styles, reduce team spirit, and promote a hostile work and communal environment.

Importance of Early Recognition

Furthermore, the endemic lack of empathy can lead to ruthless actions, devoid of consideration for the consequences on others, potentially stirring larger issues.

Therefore, it becomes essential to understand and recognize the signs of narcissism at an early stage, preventing unnecessary harm to oneself and others.

Managing Narcissistic Behavior

The importance of managing narcissistic behavior cannot be overstressed in today's world where self-centeredness and egotism are frequently misinterpreted as signs of confidence and leadership.

Understanding that Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental health issue is the first significant step in dealing with such behavior.

Recognizing that behind their grandiosity, narcissists usually have a fragile self-esteem that relies on validation from others can provide valuable insights into their psychology and, consequently, wield effective communication strategies.

Maintaining Well-being

It's also vital to maintain one’s well-being when dealing with narcissists.

Asserting your boundaries, seeking professional guidance, and nurturing positive influences are a few strategies that can help maintain healthy self-esteem.

In severe cases, when narcissistic behavior starts impacting mental well-being, seeking therapy could prove beneficial.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can I distinguish between occasional self-centeredness and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?

Occasional self-centered behaviors are common and don't necessarily indicate NPD. However, consistent patterns of grandiosity, entitlement, lack of empathy, and exploitation of others are hallmark traits of NPD.

If you notice these traits persistently in someone's behavior across various contexts, it might be indicative of NPD.

2. Can narcissistic behavior be managed or changed?

While personality disorders, including NPD, pose challenges in behavior modification, individuals with narcissistic traits can benefit from therapy, particularly approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

These therapies focus on developing self-awareness, empathy, and healthier coping mechanisms, potentially leading to positive changes in behavior.

3. How can I maintain my well-being while dealing with narcissistic individuals?

Maintaining boundaries is crucial when interacting with narcissistic individuals.

It's essential to prioritize your mental and emotional health by setting clear boundaries, seeking support from trusted friends or professionals, and practicing self-care.

Recognizing that you cannot change the narcissist's behavior but can control your responses can empower you to manage these interactions effectively.


Although combating narcissistic behavior in oneself or others can be challenging, it can be managed and in some cases, improved, with persistent effort and professional guidance.

Remember, fostering empathy, respect, and positive self-regard can help create a world less dominated by narcissism and more anchored in mutual respect and understanding.


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