The 5 New Year’s Resolutions Your Narcissistic Ex Doesn’t Want You To Make In A Divorce Or Custody Case

Are You Making These 5 New Year’s Resolutions Your Narcissistic Ex Doesn’t Want You To?

The start of a new year is a time for reflection and goal setting, but if you’ve recently gone through a breakup or high conflict divorce with someone who has narcissistic traits, there are certain resolutions that may not be on their list of best wishes for you. Knowing what these goals are can help you avoid potential pitfalls in the relationship and get you started on the right track for the new year.

1. Take Time for Yourself and Focus on Personal Growth — Your narcissistic ex may want you to stay in the same place emotionally and spiritually, unable to move forward without them. But you can use the start of the new year as an opportunity to focus on your own growth. Make time for yourself and indulge in activities that bring you joy and make you feel more centered.

2. Stop Trying to Get Their Attention or Approval — Many times, our innermost desire is to be seen and accepted by the one who wronged us. But this will only cause more heartache and disappointment. Your narcissistic ex doesn’t want to see you succeed or be happy, so stop putting any energy into trying to please them.

3. Stop Expecting Them to Change or Treat You Better — This can be a difficult one, especially if your ex has promised you better behavior in the past. But chances are, nothing has changed and it’s time to accept that. No matter how many times they promise to change or make things better, don’t expect anything from them.

4. Break All Ties With Them — Breaking all ties with your narcissistic ex can be especially difficult if you have a child custody arrangement that requires ongoing contact and communication. Even in these situations, it’s important to set boundaries for yourself and make sure that you’re not allowing their behavior to affect your well-being. Remain firm in your stance, even when your ex attempts to emotionally manipulate or control the conversation. Avoiding direct contact as much as possible, such as communicating through text or email, can also help reduce exposure to their narcissism. If necessary, consider speaking with a therapist or lawyer to find the best way to navigate the situation.

5. Make Decisions Based on Your Own Needs — It’s essential to tune into what you need and make decisions based on that, rather than trying to appease your ex to make them happy or avoid contact with them. Go with gut feelings and learn to trust yourself and make decisions that are best for you.

These are five resolutions that your narcissistic ex won’t want you to make, but should be your focus as you head into the new year. Taking control of your life, making decisions based on your own needs and desires, and putting yourself first are among the best gifts you can give yourself. Focus on getting the closure you need and remember that you are entitled to move on and find happiness.

If you’re experiencing a high conflict divorce or trying to manage a child custody agreement with a narcissistic ex, then you’re in an especially difficult and stressful situation. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to do this alone, and there are resources available to help. Judge Anthony’s programs, including the Masterclass, offer valuable insight into navigating these situations as well as additional free resources on his website. Make this year the year you take back your power and find peace and resolution for yourself and your family.


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