5 Questions to Ask a Custody Lawyer Before Hiring Them

Are you looking for a family law attorney to help you navigate a tricky custody battle or a high-conflict divorce?

It's natural that you feel overwhelmed by the legal process and want to ensure you're getting the best possible advice and representation.

There are several questions to ask a custody lawyer before hiring them and that's what we are going to discuss here today.

What Are The Five Questions To Ask Your Divorce Or Child Custody Attorney?

The 5 key questions to ask your lawyer about child custody before hiring them:

  1. What experience do you have with cases like mine?

  2. How will you handle communication in my case?

  3. What strategies are you recommending in my case?

  4. How much will this cost me?

  5. What do you think is the best outcome for my case?

Read further for a detailed breakdown of these 5 questions.

1. What experience do you have with cases like mine?

Before you make your decision, it's important to ask the attorney about their experience in cases similar to yours.

Do they have experience with child custody case, high-conflict divorces, or dealing with a narcissistic ex?

Make sure that their experience matches what you need and that you feel comfortable with their approach.

If you're in a super high conflict divorce or a divorce with a narcissistic ex or abusive ex, make sure they have experience dealing with the same.

Likewise, if you're in a legal custody battle of a child with a toxic and narcissistic ex or parent, find out if they've handled cases like that in the past.

In case you are going through a divorce case instead of a custody case, I have shared some of the common mistakes to avoid when hiring a divorce attorney. Do take a look at it and I’m sure you’ll find it helpful.

2. How will you handle communication?

Communicating regularly is essential in family law cases and can make a huge difference in the outcome.

Ask the attorney how they plan on keeping you updated on the progress of the case and how they plan on staying in touch with you.

Find out if they will keep you updated immediately regarding the happenings in your case. Some of the processes in family court are very slow, but some are quick and require immediate action.

Be sure that they will represent your best interests quickly when needed. Also, find out how they will bill you for such communications.

3. What strategies do you recommend in my case?

Ask this question because when you're dealing with a difficult situation such as a child custody battle or a high-conflict divorce, it's important to have a plan.

This is especially true if you're dealing with a toxic and narcissistic ex.

Ask the child custody lawyer what strategies they recommend for your particular case to get a fair child custody agreement.

Ask for advice on how to handle yourself not only in court but out of court as well.

Some of your best strategies will come from how you handle yourself out of the courtroom with your narcissistic ex or narcissistic parent.

4. How much will this cost me?

Legal fees in a family court case can become extremely expensive so make sure you're clear on how much you will be paying for the services.

Most people think that their payments are done and that they will have representation locked up once they pay the retainer fee.

You must realize that paying the retainer in a high-conflict divorce case or child custody proceedings is just the beginning.

Some child custody cases require legal fees of over $10,000.00 to $1000,000.00 to complete.

You need to be on the same page with your attorney regarding how long the process will take and how much total they think you will spend.

They will probably not be able to give you a definite amount, but they should be able to give you an estimate.

5. What do you think is the best outcome for my case?

When it comes to family law cases, there is no ‘one size fits all' solution. Your attorney should be able to tell you what they think would be the best outcome for you in the circumstances.

Ask them to explain why they think this is the best way forward.

Encourage them to be brutally honest with you because you need to know what you're up against.

You need to balance what a likely outcome is with how much time and money it will take to fight.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why is it important to ask a family law attorney about their experience with cases similar to mine?

It's crucial to inquire about an attorney's experience with cases like yours to ensure they have the relevant expertise and knowledge to handle the specific challenges of your situation.

Whether it's dealing with high-conflict divorces, child custody issues, or a narcissistic ex-partner, an attorney with relevant experience is likely to navigate the complexities of the case more effectively and provide you with the representation you need to achieve the best possible outcome.

2. How does the attorney's communication strategy affect the outcome of my family law case?

The attorney's communication strategy is vital as it determines how well you're informed about the progress of your case and how quickly you can make decisions when immediate action is required.

Regular and clear communication can significantly impact the case's outcome, ensuring that you are always on the same page with your attorney and that your interests are promptly represented in all proceedings.

3. Is it necessary to discuss legal fees upfront with a family law attorney, and why?

Yes, discussing legal fees upfront is essential.

Family law cases can be expensive, and costs can escalate quickly.

Understanding the fee structure, including the retainer and any additional charges, is important for financial planning.

An attorney should provide you with an estimate of the costs involved so you can make an informed decision about proceeding with your case and ensure there are no surprises when it comes to billing.

4. Can I Refuse My Ex-Spouse Visitation If They Don't Pay Child Support?

Refusing visitation due to unpaid child support is generally not allowed during the child custody process.

Address support issues legally, consult a family attorney, and avoid withholding visitation without proper grounds.

5. What is a sole custody?

Sole custody means one parent has exclusive legal and physical custody of the child, making major decisions without input from the other parent.

Whether you are a husband or a wife, you have both physical and legal custody of your child. It is completely different than primary physical custody and joint custody.


Choosing the right family law attorney is essential for getting the best possible outcome in your case.

By asking your potential attorney these five questions, you can be sure that you're making the right decision and that your case is in good hands.

If you're dealing with an especially toxic and narcissistic ex or parent on the other side of your case, look into Judge Anthony's free masterclass, programs and resources


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