How To Beat A Narcissist In Court By Being A Sniper: A Comprehensive Guide

In the face of a court battle, especially one involving custody or divorce, it's natural to feel a surge of emotions.

The situation becomes even more complex and challenging when you're dealing with a narcissist.

This blog post aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to handle such a situation, based on the insightful video by Judge Anthony titled "How To Beat A Narcissist In Court By Being A Sniper".

Is adopting a 'sniper' approach ethical when dealing with a narcissist in court?

The 'sniper' approach emphasizes patience, strategic legal tactics, and intelligence - not unethical or illegal actions. Consulting legal professionals ensures strategies remain ethical and lawful.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adopt a "sniper" approach when dealing with a narcissist in court - be patient, strategic, and intelligent instead of overly combative.

  • Narcissists often use the court system to continue abuse through frivolous lawsuits, false accusations, perjury, and manipulation.

  • Prepare thoroughly by gathering evidence, working closely with lawyers, and maintaining emotional stability.

Understanding the Narcissist

Narcissists employ their trademark charm to lure unsuspecting partners into their web of control and emotional manipulation, initially dazzling with a facade that eventually crumbles, revealing a pattern of narcissistic behavior and narcissistic abuse that renders the relationship unbearable.

Escaping such a toxic bond feels like breaking free from a cage where one is persistently prodded and provoked, triggering a natural human response that oscillates between fight or flight.

However, in the aftermath of this turmoil, particularly during divorce proceedings and family court battles, fleeing is rarely an option, leaving the wronged party to adopt a combative stance.

While justifiable, this fight response can inadvertently fuel false allegations and unnecessary attacks through excessive litigation, often escalating into a smear campaign that underscores the importance of a measured approach that prioritizes mental health and healing.

If you want to know more about divorcing a narcissist, you can continue reading here

The Sniper Approach

Judge Anthony, a retired judge suggests adopting a 'sniper' approach when dealing with a narcissist in court.

This approach requires patience, tact, and intelligence. Instead of lashing out, you should wait for the right time, follow the rules, and look for weak spots.

In the video, Judge Anthony explains, "Instead of being someone who is on the front line and ready to jump into battle at any time, you need to think of yourself more as a sniper.

Someone who has patience, someone who won't be triggered, someone who won't make unnecessary moves."

The Narcissist in Court

Narcissists are known to use the court system to continue their abuse.

They file frivolous lawsuits, make false accusations, and game the system to their advantage.

They are also known to commit perjury, use loopholes, and even resort to jury tampering.

A Psych Central article explains how narcissists use the legal system to bully their opponents.

They file senseless lawsuits to force the opposing party to incur unnecessary expenses.

They make false accusations to put their opponents on the defensive.

They also use the laws designed to protect a person as a point of manipulation against them.


1. Is adopting a 'sniper' approach in court battles with a narcissist ethical?

The 'sniper' approach, as advocated by Judge Anthony, emphasizes patience, strategic thinking, and intelligence in dealing with narcissists in court.

It's essential to ensure that strategies employed align with legal and ethical standards.

While the approach focuses on waiting for the right moment to act strategically, it should not involve unethical or illegal tactics.

Consulting with legal professionals can help ensure that your approach remains ethical and within the bounds of the law.

2. How do I maintain emotional stability when facing a narcissist in court?

Facing a narcissist in court can be emotionally taxing and challenging.

It's crucial to prioritize self-care and emotional well-being throughout the process.

Consider seeking support from friends, family members, or a therapist who can offer guidance and a listening ear.

Engaging in stress-relieving activities such as meditation, exercise, or hobbies can also help manage emotions during this difficult time.

3. What are some practical steps I can take to prepare for court proceedings with a narcissist?

Preparation is key when facing court proceedings with a narcissist.

Start by gathering all relevant documentation, including financial records, communication logs, and any evidence that supports your case.

Work closely with your legal team to develop a strategic plan that considers the narcissist's potential tactics and vulnerabilities.

Stay organized, stay informed about court procedures, and maintain open communication with your legal representatives to ensure you are well-prepared for each step of the process.


Dealing with a narcissist in court is a challenging task.

However, by adopting the sniper approach and understanding the tactics narcissists use in court, you can navigate this difficult situation more effectively.

Remember, patience, intelligence, and tact are your best weapons in this battle.

In the end, it's not about winning or losing, but about ensuring your well-being and the well-being of your children.

So, equip yourself with the right mindset and strategies, and remember, you're not alone in this fight.

Stay strong, stay patient, and stay focused. You've got this!

If you're in an especially difficult case, consider hiring Judge Anthony as a consultant to help you create a strategy and path to victory, or join judge Anthony's free masterclass.

Click here to get started now! Judge Anthony consults with people all over the world in high conflict divorce and child custody cases.


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