How To Survive A Divorce: The Power Of FML

Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a challenging situation? I know you'll have so much pain during the divorce process especially when your children involved in such a situation.

It can be easy to get down on yourself and lose sight of the bigger picture.

But before you give up, there's something you need to try because it actually works. Turn your focus to the phrase F-M-L.

The FML Tool For Divorce And Custody Cases

FML is a tool that will help you survive divorce. It's a reminder of what we need to focus on when times are tough. FML stands for:

  1. Faith/Fitness;

  2. Mindset, and

  3. Love/Relationships.

Focus On Your Faith During Divorce

Focusing on your faith during a divorce process can be a source of comfort and guidance.

As a Christian, here are some ways I have done this:

Prayer and Meditation: Regular prayer can provide solace and a sense of connection to God. Meditating on scriptures can also offer peace and perspective.

Church Community: Engaging with a church community can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. Pastoral counseling can also be helpful.

Biblical Study: Delving into the Bible, especially passages that speak to endurance, hope, and forgiveness, can offer guidance and comfort.

Spiritual Counseling: Seeking guidance from a Christian counselor can help navigate the emotional challenges of divorce.

Faith-Based Support Groups: Joining groups within your faith community that focus on divorce recovery can provide understanding and shared experiences.

Reflecting on Faith Principles: Reminding oneself of Christian teachings on love, forgiveness, and resilience can be grounding during this tumultuous time.

Remember, it's important to focus on your spiritual health and seek support from your faith community during challenging times like a divorce.

Focus On Your Fitness During Divorce

It is widely accepted that physical activity helps us stay healthy, both mentally and physically.

So, when daily life seems overwhelming, take some time for yourself and go for a walk, run, or bike ride.

Even a little bit of physical exercise can help you clear your head and reset your perspective;

Focus On Your Mindset During Divorce

Our thoughts and beliefs are incredibly powerful.

So, it is important to monitor our self-talk and be mindful of our thought patterns.

When challenging times arise, acknowledge the difficulty but try to build yourself up instead of tearing yourself down.

Positive affirmations, challenges, and reminders of your goals can really help you stay strong in tough circumstances; and

Focus On Love And Relationships During Divorce

We are all part of a larger human family.

We all have problems, and it's important to remember to reach out for help and support when needed.

Surround yourself with people who care about you, and who will be there for you during difficult times.

Turn to your family, friends, and even strangers, and don't be afraid to ask for help.

Survive a divorce by engaging in divorce mediation, focusing on rebuilding your own lives, supporting both you and your ex-spouse, embracing the opportunity for a new life, and being open to the possibility of a fulfilling new relationship, even if it involves a younger woman.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What does the acronym FML stand for in the context of this article?

FML is an acronym for Faith/Fitness, Mindset, and Love/Relationships.

It represents the three key areas to focus on during tough times, especially in challenging family court situations.

How can focusing on Fitness help in difficult family court cases?

Engaging in physical activities like walking, running, or biking is recommended to help clear the mind and maintain both mental and physical health during stressful situations including, like family court cases or even financial situation.

What is the importance of Love/Relationships as per the article?

The article emphasizes the importance of connecting with family, new friends/ close friends , and even strangers for support and help during difficult times, underscoring the value of relationships and community support in navigating challenging circumstances.


Maybe you're involved in a high conflict divorce or separation with a narcissistic ex.

Or, maybe you're involved in a custody battle with your narcissistic mother.

Regardless of the situation, when life throws you a curveball and you feel sad like things are out of your control, remember to say and focus on FML.

Focus on your faith/fitness, mindset, and love & relationships to help you power through any tough situation.


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