How to Deal with a Narcissist in Mediation: Effective Tips

One way to beat a narcissist in court is to be successful at mediation.

Mediation in a high-conflict divorce and child custody battle can be a difficult and emotionally charged process.

However, it is often the best way to resolve child custody disputes and avoid lengthy and costly court battles.

This can be especially difficult or nearly impossible if you're dealing with a toxic narcissistic ex.

A good mediator is essential to the success of the process, and one of the key strategies used by mediators is to make both parties feel like their case is weak.

In this blog post, we will explore why they do this, the problems associated with entering a mediation with a toxic, narcissistic ex, and what you can do about it.

How to deal with a narcissist in mediation?

To deal with a narcissist in mediation, you need to understand their motives, set realistic expectations, stay focused on your goals, use the session for discovery, and work with a skilled mediator experienced in high-conflict cases.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mediators make both parties feel their case is weak to encourage compromise.

  • Narcissistic exes can be obstructionist and unwilling to compromise.

  • Prepare by understanding their motives and setting realistic expectations.

  • Stay focused on your goals and use mediation for discovery if necessary.

  • Choose a skilled mediator experienced in high-conflict divorces.

Why do mediators make both parties feel like their case is weak?

how to deal with a narcissist in mediation

A good mediator is not there to take sides or make decisions for the parties. Instead, they are there to facilitate communication and help the parties reach a mutually agreeable solution.

This approach becomes especially crucial when dealing with a narcissistic parent, as their narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic traits can complicate the process.

One of the key strategies used by mediators is to make both parties feel like their case is weak. This is done to encourage the parties to be open to compromise and to avoid becoming too entrenched in their positions.

By helping both parties see the weaknesses in their case, the mediator can create an environment where they are more willing to find common ground, which is essential for maintaining emotional well-being during such a challenging situation.

Unfortunately, this does not always work when you have a narcissist on the other side of your mediation process.

The problems associated with entering a mediation with a toxic, narcissistic ex:

Entering into mediation with a toxic, narcissistic ex can be a daunting and challenging experience.

These individuals are often more concerned with winning than finding a mutually agreeable solution.

They may be manipulative, deceitful, and prone to using emotional tactics to get what they want.

One of the most significant problems associated with mediating with a toxic, narcissistic ex is the impact it can have on the process.

These individuals may be complete obstructionists and refuse to compromise or be unwilling to acknowledge the weaknesses in their case.

They may also be more concerned with harming their ex-partner than finding a solution that is in the best interests of their children.

What can you do about it?

If you are about to navigate custody mediation with a toxic, narcissistic ex, there are several things you can do to prepare yourself.

Understand Their Motives and Set Realistic Expectations

First, it is important to be aware of their motives and tactics.

By understanding their narcissistic behavior, you can be better prepared to deal with it.

Set realistic expectations going in.

You already have an idea how they're going to act and you cannot control it.

So, don't let it fluster you when you get there.

Stay Focused on Your Goals

Second, it is essential to be clear on what you want to achieve from the divorce mediation.

This will help you stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked by emotional arguments or irrelevant issues.

If they're a full-on obstructionist, you may want to just use your mediation as a method of discovery.

What does that mean? It means that you use mediation with a narcissist to get an idea of the narrative of their case.

What are their main allegations? What issues do they see to be relevant?

You can then use this information and implement it into your daily life and case to protect yourself moving forward.

Choose a Skilled Mediator

Finally, it is important to work with a skilled mediator who has experience dealing with high-conflict divorces and child custody mediation and battles.

There are several factors that affects the grounds for Full Custody of Child and you must know about it.

A good mediator will be able to recognize the manipulative tactics used by toxic, narcissistic individuals and help create an environment that is conducive to finding a mutually agreeable solution.

Unfortunately, the court or the attorneys usually choose the mediator, but if you have any influence on the choice, be sure to do your research before selecting a mediator and make your recommendation known to your attorney.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How can I prepare for mediation with a narcissistic ex?

Preparation is key when dealing with a narcissistic ex in mediation.

Start by understanding their typical controlling behaviors and tactics, such as manipulation or refusing to compromise.

Set realistic expectations, knowing you can't control their actions, and focus on your goals for the mediation.

It's also helpful to use the mediation sessions as a method of discovery, listening carefully to understand the narrative of their case and their main allegations.

This approach allows you to gather valuable information that can protect you and strengthen your case moving forward.

2. Why do mediators often make both parties feel like their case is weak?

Mediators use this strategy to encourage both parties to consider compromise and avoid becoming too entrenched in their positions.

By highlighting the potential weaknesses in each side's case, a mediator can create an environment where parties are more open to finding common ground.

This approach is designed to facilitate communication and help reach a mutually agreeable solution, which is especially important in high-conflict situations like those involving a narcissistic ex.

3. What should I look for in a mediator when dealing with a high-conflict divorce or custody battle?

When dealing with a high-conflict divorce or custody battle involving a narcissistic ex, it's crucial to work with a mediator who has experience in these types of cases.

A skilled mediator will recognize the tactics used by toxic, narcissistic individuals and create an environment conducive to finding a resolution.

If you have any influence over the selection of the mediator, research their background and experience in handling similar cases.

Make sure to communicate your preference to your attorney to ensure a mediator who is equipped to handle the complexities of your situation.


In conclusion, mediation with a narcissist can be a challenging process, but it is often the best way for resolving disputes and avoid lengthy court battles.

A good mediator is essential to the success of the process, and their ability to make both parties feel like their case is weak is a key strategy used to encourage compromise.

And remember - entering into mediation with a toxic, narcissistic ex can be problematic, and it is important to be aware of their motives and tactics. By working with a skilled mediator and being clear on what you want to achieve, you can increase your chances of finding a mutually agreeable solution.

If you need assistance in preparing your evidence, be sure to look at Judge Anthony's programs. These programs are helping people beat a narcissist in court all around the world.

Also, take a moment to look into the Court Clerk app. This is the app created by Judge Anthony that helps people organize their evidence and prepare their case for mediation and court.


Parental Alienation Custody Battle With A Narcissist


Winning the War with a Narcissist: Navigating High-Conflict Divorce and Child Custody Battles