Narcissist Traits Female: Identifying Female Narcissism

Narcissistic personality disorder is a complex and multifaceted mental health issue.

At its core, it is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, self absorbed a lack of empathy for others, an intense need for excessive attention and admiration, and often an unyielding belief in personal superiority and uniqueness.

However, like many aspects of human behavior, narcissism does not present identically in everyone.

It can vary dramatically from individual to individual, impacting and being influenced by other aspects of personality and personal history.

Narcissist Traits Female: An Overview

Female narcissists often exhibit emotional abuse, excessive control, lack of empathy, and intense self-centeredness in their relationships. They may belittle partners, use manipulation tactics like gaslighting, make excessive demands, and prioritize their own needs over their partner's.

Key Takeaways:

  • Female narcissists exhibit traits like superiority complex, manipulative behaviors, lack of empathy, emotional abuse, excessive control, and self-centeredness in relationships.

  • Coping strategies include setting boundaries, seeking therapy, and prioritizing self-care.

  • Female narcissists may use more covert manipulation tactics compared to male narcissists.

Photo of female narcissist pulling down her mask.

Narcissistic Traits In Females

While the spotlight has historically been on male narcissists, it's critical not to overlook the unique presence of narcissist traits female.

Even though male and female narcissists have their own traits, the latter is ignored by a lot of people and most people focus only on male narcissist.

Despite the stereotypes that may suggest otherwise, women can and do exhibit this narcissistic personality disorder just as much as their male counterparts.

Studies indicate that certain characteristics can lend themselves more commonly to female narcissists.

Narcissistic Characteristics More Prominent In Women

Narcissistic characteristics that can be more prominent in women compared to men range from covert manipulative tactics to a meticulous focus on maintaining a perfect outward appearance, often at the expense of those closest to them.

The way a female narcissist interacts with her partner can be markedly distinct, compared to the staple images of narcissism, which are traditionally skewed towards men.

Partners of women displaying narcissistic traits can experience a unique set of challenges and are overly concerned.

Understanding the nature of these interactions, and the effects they can have on boundaries, communication, and general wellbeing within a relationship, is critical to recognizing and dealing with a potentially abusive situation.

This realization underscores the importance of investigating the specific behaviors and tendencies of female narcissists in relationships.

Narcissistic Traits Disguised Due To Societal Gender Roles

Many people may not recognize the signs that they're dealing with a narcissistic partner, as these traits may sometimes be disguised or misunderstood due to societal gender roles or expectations.

By shedding light on these traits, we can provide valuable knowledge and resources to individuals who may unknowingly find themselves in relationships with female narcissists.

The following exploration is not meant to stigmatize or stereotype anyone due to their gender.

Instead, it serves as an attempt to increase knowledge and understanding about a complex subject matter, helping to empower those who may be struggling in their interpersonal relationships.

Remember, narcissism isn't a male or female issue; it's a human issue. And understanding it can be the first step towards empowerment and healing.

Photo of narcissistic woman with smug grin.

Common Traits of Female Narcissists

Superiority Complex

A prominent characteristic seen in many female narcissists is the presence of a pervasive superiority complex.

This complex is often defined by an inflated sense of self-worth and an overbearing belief in one's own abilities and achievements.

Narcissists often view other people as inferior, using their perceived superiority as a tool to manipulate and control their relationships.

Among the signs of female narcissism, this superiority complex is incredibly damaging and can lead to emotional abuse.

When it comes to relationships, narcissistic women tend to use their superiority complex to control and demean their partners.

They often belittle their partners’ achievements, talents, or ideas, while emphasizing their own.

These female narcissists tend to disregard or dismiss the opinions, desires, or needs of their partners, showing a blatant disregard for their feelings or worth.

The partner is often left feeling insignificant, invisible, and increasingly dependent on the narcissist for validation.

For instance, consider a narcissist woman who consistently undermines her partner's work accomplishments while excessively flaunting her own.

She disregards her partner's efforts and inputs in joint decisions, asserting that her ideas are superior due to her 'greater understanding' of the situation.

This is a classic example of how a superiority complex manifests in a narcissistic woman.

In case If you are interested in the characteristics of having narcissistic female co-workers in your workplace, you should read one of my recent articles on the topic and you’ll get to know about it.

Manipulative Behaviors

Manipulative behaviors are another notable facet of female narcissist characteristics.

Manipulation is a tool employed by narcissists to maintain control over their relationships and to gain the upper hand.

Female narcissists, in particular, can be master manipulators, adept at emotional and psychological tactics to bend their partners to their will.

These manipulative tactics severely affect their partners, leaving them confused, off-balance, and questioning their own perceptions—a phenomenon known as 'gaslighting.'

Partners often find themselves in a perpetual state of trying to appease the narcissist, resulting in emotional exhaustion and feelings of worthlessness or incompetence.

An illustrative instance of manipulative behavior in female narcissists could be a woman who plays the victim card whenever she's held accountable for a harmful action.

She may tearfully plead innocence, manipulate her partner into taking the blame, or emotionally exploit them with guilt trips.

This manipulation keeps her partner in a state of constant self-doubt and insecurity, making it easier for her to control and dominate the relationship.

If you are going through the process of divorce with your narcissist wife, it is crucial to understand the traits and it’ll make your process easier.

Photo of narcissistic woman arguing with a man.

Lack of Empathy

One of the more alarming signs of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), particularly evident in female narcissists, is a profound lack of empathy.

Narcissists fundamentally have trouble recognizing or understanding the emotions and needs of other people, even those closest to them.

They can be dismissive, lacking the emotionality and compassion that form the foundation of a healthy relationship.

Spotting narcissistic women traits like these is crucial in identifying female narcissism.

The impacts of this lack of empathy on a relationship can be far-reaching and deeply damaging.

A narcissistic woman feels ignored, belittled, or invalidated regularly.

This lack of understanding and basic human compassion can cause feelings of loneliness, frustration, and emotional neglect in their partners.

A representative example of a female narcissist’s lack of empathy could be her reaction to her partner’s grief or distress.

Instead of offering support or comfort, she may appear bored, annoyed, or even angered by her partner's 'weakness,' demonstrating an alarming lack of empathy.

How Female Narcissists Treat Their Partners

Emotional Abuse 

Emotional abuse is one of the distinctive narcissistic behaviors in women that make their relationships incredibly challenging.

It often involves tactics like belittling, humiliation, constant criticism, and emotional manipulation.

The female narcissist symptoms of emotional abuse can be subtle or overt but are always damaging to the victim's mental well-being.

The impact of emotional abuse by a narcissistic partner is profound and can lead to self-doubt, anxiety, depression, and even Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Victims frequently report feelings of worthlessness and fear, losing their sense of self in the process.

The constant negative feedback can wear down partners, making it difficult for them to leave the relationship or seek help.

Identifying emotional abuse from a narcissistic partner, especially a female narcissist, can be tricky as it's often disguised as 'intense love' or 'passion.'

Learned helplessness, engrained fear, and constant self-blame are signs to watch out for.

For example, a female narcissist might react explosively to small disagreements, followed by a seemingly caring demeanor fostering a dangerous cycle of push and pull that confuses her partner.

Excessive Control

A dominant trait of female narcissists is the need for excessive control, often stemming from a deep-rooted fear of insecurity and vulnerability.

Everything must go according to their whims and fancies, and they enforce this by manipulating those around them.

The overbearing need for control is an essential characteristic of narcissistic females.

The control issues often manifest in their relationships as extreme possessiveness, unending demands, constant criticism, or using guilt to shape their partner's behavior according to their liking.

Such behavior can have a distressing impact on the partner's mental health and may have to get in touch with a mental health professional.

Without doing that, it could lead to feelings of suffocation, fear, and buried resentment.

An example of excessively control-driven behavior in female narcissists might be dictating their partner's life, from significant decisions like career choices to minor details like clothing.

The narcissist might resort to criticism, emotional blackmail, or threats to enforce this control, leaving the intimidated partner feeling powerless and suppressed.


At the heart of narcissism is an inflated sense of self-importance, which, when manifested in a female narcissist, translates to intense self-centeredness.

Understanding narcissism in women demands that we take a close look at this rampant self-centeredness, which is seen in a woman's relentless hunt for compliments, need for constant attention, and expectation of unquestioning compliance from her partner.

This self-centered behavior can significantly strain a relationship.

The narcissist's needs and desires take precedence over everything else, negating any form of reciprocal emotional communication.

From the partner's perspective, it can feel like their interests, feelings, and general well-being are chronically overlooked, leading to feelings of emotional isolation and deprivation.

An example of self-centered behavior in female narcissism could be a woman who makes every situation about herself, even if it involves her partner's achievements or distresses.

She might twist the conversation to gain sympathy, compliments, or simply attention, leaving her partner always in the shadow and feeling unheard.

This kind of behavior can drain the partner emotionally, leaving them feeling unseen and unimportant, key signs of being involved in a narcissistic abusive relationship.

Survival Strategies

Setting Boundaries

One key survival strategy when dealing with female narcissists is setting clear and firm boundaries.

Partners often find themselves at the mercy of the narcissist's whims due to an absence of defined limitations.

Establishing boundaries is a critical step towards regaining control, asserting your rights, and maintaining your mental health in the face of narcissistic behaviors from women.

Setting healthy boundaries involves clear communication about what is acceptable in the relationship and what isn’t.

This can be about time and space, emotional expectations, or physical boundaries.

It's common for those involved with narcissists to fear retaliation or disapproval, but one must remember that setting boundaries is not about controlling the narcissist but about protecting oneself.

For example, a partner can set a boundary by expressing their need for personal space and privacy, not tolerating derogatory language, or by refusing to engage in heated arguments.

A woman managed to change the dynamics of her relationship with her narcissistic girlfriend by setting a straightforward boundary – she demanded that her partner treat her with respect during their discussions and refused to engage otherwise.

Seeking Professional Help

Trying to navigate a relationship with a female narcissist can be complex and draining, requiring outside professional help for clarity and coping.

Therapy or counseling can provide supportive, non-judgmental space to understand signs of female narcissism, evaluate the relationship, and develop coping strategies.

So, dealing with female narcissists often necessitates seeking professional help.

Both individual and couples therapy can offer assistance in these situations. Individual therapy enables one to process their feelings, work on low self esteem, and establish personal growth.

Couples therapy can work if the narcissistic partner recognizes their traits and is willing to change, which unfortunately is rare given the nature of narcissistic traits in women.

It is crucial to seek help when one feels overwhelmed, confused, or when their emotional and mental health is in jeopardy due to the relationship.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) have been found to be effective in dealing with narcissistic partners.

These therapies assist individuals in understanding their feelings and behavior, promoting changes in thought patterns and learning coping mechanisms, effectively helping them maintain their sanity and sense of self while dealing with a narcissistic partner.


In the whirlwind of a relationship with a female narcissist, it's easy to let one's wellbeing fall to the wayside. However, self-care is not an option; it's a necessity when dealing with these kinds of relationships.

It's essential to prioritize and preserve one's mental, emotional, and physical health to handle the turmoil caused by female narcissist manipulation tactics.

Self-care strategies may include maintaining healthy eating and sleeping habits, regular exercise, and pursuing hobbies or interests.

It's also crucial to maintain connections with friends and family to avoid isolation.

Furthermore, learning mindfulness techniques or meditation can help manage stress and promote mental clarity.

Recognizing and understanding the traits of narcissistic women is the first step toward mitigation.

Balancing the complexity of such a relationship with preserving oneself concludes with the relief that whatever the future holds, one is equipped with the awareness, tools, and most importantly, the self-value to handle it.

I have shared useful tips If you are dealing with a narcissistic sister in your home.

Navigating Relationships with Female Narcissists

Understanding the intricate dynamics of relationships with female narcissists provides a unique viewpoint into the realm of narcissistic personality disorder.

Through the exploration of defining traits and behaviors like a superiority complex, manipulative behaviors, lack of empathy, emotional narcissistic abuse, excessive control, and self-centeredness, we garnered profound insights into the intricacies of narcissistic behaviors in women.

Furthermore, through real-life cases and examples, we observed firsthand how these traits manifest and impact their partners in daily life scenarios, providing a reality check on the severity and complexity of such interactions.

In response to the challenges posed by such relationships, we looked at specific coping strategies, such as setting boundaries, seeking professional help, and the quintessential self-care.

Each of these approaches offers unique advantages in combating the distress, exhaustion, and potential psychological harm that may be involved in dealing with female narcissists.

Setting boundaries allows for the restoration of control and dignity in a relationship that might seem overwhelmingly weighed in the narcissist's favor.

Seeking professional assistance through therapy or counseling not only serves to provide an empathetic and supportive platform for processing the partner's emotions and experiences, but also introduces them to coping mechanisms and therapeutic techniques beneficial in managing a relationship with narcissistic traits.

Prioritizing self-care underlines the significance of maintaining good emotional, mental, and physical health, underscoring the reality that personal wellbeing should never be compromised, regardless of the relationship dynamics.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How do female narcissists typically behave in relationships?

Female narcissists often exhibit behaviors like a superiority complex, manipulative tactics, and a significant lack of empathy.

In relationships, these traits manifest as emotional abuse, excessive control, and intense self-centeredness.

They might belittle their partners, use emotional manipulation like gaslighting, and prioritize their needs over others.

This can lead to emotional distress and an imbalance in the relationship dynamic.

2. What strategies can help when dealing with a female narcissistic partner?

Coping strategies include setting clear boundaries, seeking professional help like therapy, and prioritizing self-care.

Establishing boundaries helps maintain personal dignity and control, while therapy can offer support and coping mechanisms.

Self-care is essential for maintaining one's mental and emotional health.

These steps are crucial for managing the challenges and potential psychological harm that may arise in such relationships.

3. In what ways do female narcissists differ from their male counterparts in relationships?

Female narcissists may employ more covert and subtle forms of manipulation and control, often masked under societal gender roles and expectations.

They might use emotional blackmail, victim-playing, and a focus on maintaining a perfect outward physical appearance.

These tactics can be less overt than those traditionally associated with male narcissists, making them harder to recognize and address in a relationship context.

4. Can a narcissistic woman be a nurturing mother?

While narcissistic mothers may struggle with empathy and prioritize her own needs, she can exhibit nurturing behaviors, though the overall impact on the child may vary.

You should look at my article where I have how to deal with a narcissistic mother-in-law.


Our journey into defragmenting the puzzle of relationships with female narcissists sheds light on a topic that is often overlooked or misunderstood.

Grappling with the nuances of such relationships might still feel overwhelming, but this exploration supplies a foundation of knowledge that can offer solace, validation, and guidance for those who need it.

Remember, understanding the warning signs of female narcissism, seeking the right help, setting firm boundaries, and prioritizing self-care are the pave stones on the path to navigating such a relationship successfully.

Awareness breeds understanding, understanding breeds empathy, and empathy, in turn, can lead the way to healing and eventual recovery.


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