The Aging Female Narcissist: Signs and Symptoms

Covert narcissism is a more subtle and hidden form of narcissistic personality disorder.

Unlike overt narcissists who are openly grandiose and attention-seeking, covert narcissists often appear shy, humble, or even self-effacing.

This deceptive exterior makes it challenging to identify the underlying narcissistic traits.

What are the characteristics of the aging female narcissist?

The female covert narcissist cycle involves three phases: idealization (using charm to draw targets in), devaluation (shifting to subtle insults and manipulation), and discard (abruptly ending the relationship).

Key Takeaways:

  • Covert narcissism is subtle and hidden, unlike overt narcissism.

  • Covert narcissists often appear shy, humble, or self-effacing.

  • This deceptive exterior makes it hard to identify their narcissistic traits.

  • Recognizing the cycle of a female covert narcissist is crucial for understanding manipulation and emotional abuse patterns.

  • The cycle includes idealization, devaluation, and discard, creating an emotionally draining loop.

  • Understanding these behaviors helps in navigating and breaking free from toxic dynamics.

The Cycle of a Female Covert Narcissist

the aging female narcissist

Understanding the cycle of a female covert narcissist is crucial for recognizing the patterns of manipulation and emotional as well as narcissistic abuse that can occur in relationships.

The cycle involves a series of predictable behavioral patterns that are emotionally draining and damaging to those around her.

These patterns often include idealization, devaluation, and eventual discard, creating a repetitive loop that leaves victims feeling confused and destabilized.

Behavioral Patterns and Implications

Behavioral Patterns and Implications

By delving into these specific behaviors, one can gain a clearer understanding of how to navigate and potentially break free from the toxic dynamics associated with a female covert narcissist.

In this essay, we will explore the distinct phases of the female covert narcissist cycle, shedding light on the subtle yet impactful ways these individuals operate.

Additionally, we will discuss the implications of these behaviors on relationships and provide insights into recognizing and addressing the challenges posed by such personalities.

Idealization Phase

Behavior and tactics during this phase

During the idealization phase, the female covert narcissist employs a range of behaviors and tactics designed to draw people in and establish a strong emotional connection.

One of the primary tools in her arsenal is charisma.

She often exudes a magnetic charm that can be both captivating and disarming.

This charm is not overtly flamboyant but rather subtle and nuanced, making it difficult for others to see through her facade.

Expressions of Admiration

Expressions of Admiration

Expressions of admiration and seemingly genuine interest are also key components of this phase.

The female covert narcissist will often shower her target with compliments, praise, and attention.

She may go out of her way to make the other person feel special, valued, and understood.

Creating Intimacy and Trust

This can include thoughtful gestures, active listening, and a keen interest in the target's life, dreams, and aspirations.

These actions are meticulously calculated to create a sense of intimacy and trust.

Effects on the targeted individuals

The Impact of the Idealization Phase

The impact of the idealization phase on targeted individuals can be profound.

The initial outpouring of admiration and attention establishes a deep sense of trust and intimacy.

The target may feel an intense emotional connection, believing they have found someone who truly understands and appreciates them.

This sense of connection can be intoxicating, making it difficult for the target to recognize any red flags or warning signs.

Establishing Control and Influence

idealization phase narcissist

By establishing this sense of trust and intimacy, the female covert narcissist enhances her control and influence over the target.

The target becomes more susceptible to manipulation and more likely to overlook or rationalize any negative behaviors that may emerge later.

Setting the Stage for Subsequent Phases

This phase effectively sets the stage for the subsequent phases of the narcissistic cycle.

In these phases, the true nature of the narcissist begins to reveal itself.

Underlying motivations of the covert narcissist

Motivations During the Idealization Phase

The underlying motivations of the female covert narcissist during the idealization phase are rooted in a deep-seated need for validation and attention.

Despite her outward appearance of humility or shyness, she craves admiration and affirmation from others.

Creating a Positive Self-Image

Positive Self-Image

The idealization phase allows her to secure this validation by creating a positive self-image in the eyes of her target.

Additionally, the female covert narcissist has a strong desire to create a positive self-image.

By presenting herself as caring, attentive, and understanding, she crafts a persona that is difficult to criticize or challenge.

Shielding from Scrutiny

This carefully constructed image not only serves to attract and retain her target but also helps to shield her from scrutiny and accountability.

Importance of the Idealization Phase

In summary, the idealization phase is a critical component of the female covert narcissist cycle.

Through a combination of charisma, charm, and seemingly genuine interest, the narcissist draws her target in, establishing a sense of trust and intimacy.

This phase sets the stage for the subsequent phases of the cycle, where the true nature of the narcissist's behavior begins to emerge.

Recognizing and Addressing Challenges

Understanding these tactics and motivations is essential for recognizing and addressing the challenges posed by a female covert narcissist.

This knowledge is crucial whether she is a mature female narcissist or an elderly female narcissist.

Devaluation Phase

devaluation phase narcissist

A shift in behavior from admiration to criticism

The devaluation phase marks a stark shift in the behavior of the female covert narcissist, often resembling a collapsed female narcissist.

What once was a flood of admiration and praise from this aging narcissist now turns into a stream of subtle insults and backhanded compliments.

This shift is often gradual, making it difficult for the victim to pinpoint when the change began, much like the experiences of those raised by narcissistic parents.

The tactics employed mirror those of a narcissistic parent, creating a confusing and emotionally draining dynamic for those caught in their web.

Subtle Insults and Criticism

Subtle Insults and Criticism

The female covert narcissist may start to criticize the very traits she once admired.

She uses seemingly innocuous comments to undermine the victim's confidence.

Increased Emotional Manipulation

Emotional manipulation and gaslighting become more pronounced during this phase.

The narcissist may twist facts, deny previous statements, or make the victim question their own perceptions and memories.

Psychological Warfare

This psychological warfare is designed to destabilize the victim.

It makes them more dependent on the narcissist for validation and approval.

Relationship Dynamics

The once warm and supportive relationship becomes a minefield of emotional traps and manipulations.

Impact on the victim's mental and emotional well-being

Impact of the Devaluation Phase

The devaluation phase can profoundly affect the victim's mental and emotional well-being.

Erosion of Self-Esteem


Constant criticism and subtle insults chip away at the victim's self-esteem and self-worth.

The victim may start to believe they are flawed or inadequate due to this negative feedback.

Emotional Issues

This erosion of self-esteem can lead to anxiety, depression, and a pervasive sense of worthlessness.

Growing Confusion and Self-Doubt

Confusion and self-doubt are common during this phase.

The victim may question their own perceptions and judgments, unsure of what is real and what is manipulation.

Paralysis and Emotional Toll

This confusion can be paralyzing, making it hard for the victim to take decisive action to protect themselves.

The emotional toll can be particularly severe for those dealing with an aging narcissistic woman or senior female narcissists.

The long-term effects of such relationships can be deeply ingrained.

Covert strategies used to maintain power

maintain power

Covert Strategies for Maintaining Control

To maintain power and control, the aging female collapsed narcissist employs a range of covert strategies.

One of the most insidious is the silent treatment, which she uses to protect her fragile self-importance. By withdrawing communication and affection, she punishes the victim, inflicting a deep narcissistic injury.

This leaves the victim in a state of emotional limbo, questioning their own mental health. This passive-aggressive behavior makes the victim feel isolated and desperate for her approval, further cementing her control and satisfying her need for dominance.

Undermining Support Systems

Another common tactic is undermining the victim's relationships and support systems.

The aging female narcissists may spread rumors, sow seeds of doubt, or create conflicts between the victim and their friends or family.

By isolating the victim from their support network, she ensures that she remains the primary source of emotional support and validation.

Impact on Victims

This isolation can be particularly damaging for victims dealing with the aging narcissists woman or elderly narcissistic behavior.

Their social networks may already be limited, exacerbating the impact of the narcissist’s tactics.


In summary, the devaluation phase is a critical component of the female covert narcissist cycle.

Through subtle insults, emotional manipulation, and covert strategies, she erodes the victim's self-esteem and self-worth.

This creates a state of confusion and dependency.

Understanding these tactics is essential for recognizing and addressing the challenges posed by a female covert narcissist, whether she is a mature narcissist or a narcissistic senior woman.

Discard Phase

Abrupt end of the relationship or interaction

The discard phase is the final and often most shocking part of the female covert narcissist cycle.

During this phase, the relationship or interaction ends suddenly and abruptly. The female covert narcissist may completely withdraw, cutting off all contact without warning or explanation.

This sudden withdrawal can leave the victim feeling blindsided and deeply hurt.

Often, the narcissist will immediately replace the victim with a new source of narcissistic supply.

The new individual quickly becomes the focus of the narcissist’s attention and admiration.

Psychological effects on the discarded individual

The psychological effects of the discard phase on the victim can be severe.

Feelings of abandonment and betrayal are common. The victim grapples with the sudden and inexplicable end of the relationship.

The emotional investment and trust built during the idealization phase are shattered. This leaves the victim questioning their own worth and judgment.

Struggling to understand and recover from the experience can be a long and arduous process.

Long-term consequences for both the victim and the narcissist

The long-term consequences of the discard phase extend beyond the immediate emotional fallout.

For the victim, the experience can lead to ongoing cycles of self-doubt.

There is often difficulty in establishing healthy relationships.

The trauma of being discarded can have a lasting impact on the victim's ability to trust and connect with others.

This makes it challenging to form new, meaningful relationships.

In case you have missed it, I have previously discussed the specific traits of females here. Additionally, I have even compared them with males too. If you want to know more, I would highly recommend these articles.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is covert narcissism, and how does it differ from overt narcissism?

Covert narcissism is a more subtle and hidden form of narcissistic personality disorder.

Unlike overt narcissists, who are openly grandiose and attention-seeking, covert narcissists often appear shy, humble, or self-effacing.

This deceptive exterior makes it challenging to identify their underlying narcissistic traits.

2. What are the key phases in the cycle of a female covert narcissist?

The cycle of a female covert narcissist includes three key phases: idealization, devaluation, and discard.

During the idealization phase, the narcissist draws the target in with charm and attention.

In the devaluation phase, admiration shifts to subtle insults and manipulation.

Finally, the discard phase involves a sudden and abrupt end to the relationship.

3. How do these phases affect the victim's emotional well-being?

The idealization phase can create a deep sense of trust and emotional connection, making it hard to see red flags.

The devaluation phase erodes the victim's self-esteem and introduces confusion and self-doubt.

The discard phase often leaves the victim feeling blindsided and deeply hurt, leading to long-term emotional consequences like self-doubt and difficulty forming new relationships.


Covert narcissism is a subtle and hidden form of narcissistic personality disorder.

It involves a cycle of idealization, devaluation, and discard, which is emotionally draining for those involved.

Recognizing these patterns is crucial for understanding and breaking free from toxic dynamics.


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