What Does A Narcissist Want In A Divorce? Be Prepared

Photo of Narcissist Divorce Lawyer

There's a significant difference between encountering a narcissist in everyday life and confronting them within the confines of a legal setting, such as divorce.

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a person's inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for excessive attention and admiration.

Narcissists possess a striking lack of empathy for others.

This personality type can make the divorce process extremely complex and emotionally draining.

What does a narcissist want in divorce?

A narcissist wants control, dominance, and to maintain their public image in a divorce. They seek to win at all costs, often using manipulation tactics, financial aggression, and emotional games to achieve their goals, regardless of the impact on others.

Key Takeaways:

  • Narcissists crave control and dominance in divorce proceedings.

  • They often use manipulation tactics and emotional games.

  • Financial aggression is common, including hiding assets and economic abuse.

  • Narcissists prioritize maintaining their public image during divorce.

  • They lack empathy, leading to emotional trauma for partners and children.

  • Quick relationship turnovers post-divorce are typical for narcissists.

The Blend of Narcissism and Divorce

In a divorce proceeding, the high conflict personality of a narcissist may become evident, adding fuel to an already emotionally charged situation.

A narcissist views the divorce process as a battleground for power and control.

They might resort to manipulative tactics such as gaslighting, intimidation, and emotional manipulation, aiming to cause distress and take control.

Therefore, it's essential to employ a Narcissist Divorce Lawyer who is well-versed in navigating through such turbulent circumstances.

The lawyer plays a key role in protecting the client's interests while minimizing the emotional trauma associated with the divorce process.

The Goal of this Article

This article aims to shed light on narcissism in the context of a divorce, how it impacts the process, and strategies to cope during the proceedings.

It's designed to help individuals dealing with such situations grasp what a narcissist wants in a divorce and implement measures to safeguard their interests.

Further, it will discuss strategies often used by certified Narcissist Divorce Lawyer, helping to understand the complexities and streamline the process.

Control and Dominance

Craving for Power

In a narcissistic spouse divorce, the craving for power becomes a driving force that shapes the entire process. Narcissists tend to view the dissolution of marriage as a battleground for control, profoundly impacting how they approach the proceedings.

This insatiable desire for dominance manifests through various tactics, including emotional and financial abuse, making it imperative for a divorce attorney to remain acutely aware and strategically prepared.

The narcissist's relentless pursuit of power can turn what should be a legal separation into a complex web of manipulation, requiring the utmost vigilance from legal counsel to protect their client's interests.

Baiting and Manipulation

Narcissists often use baiting and manipulation tactics, designed to provoke emotional reactions and drag the divorce proceedings.

Utilizing narcissistic divorce tactics, they feed off the emotional reactions and perceive it as a means to assert control over their spouses.

They might resort to falsehoods, characterized by half-truths and misrepresentations, aimed at causing confusion and prolonging the case.

Winning at All Costs

In the eyes of a narcissist, divorce isn't about finding an equitable resolution.

Rather, it's a battleground where the sole objective is winning at all costs, irrespective of the emotional or financial implications on the parties involved.

This overwhelming desire to emerge victorious often leads to a problematic and high-conflict divorce process, hence the need for a skilled High Conflict Divorce Lawyer.

Emotional Games

Emotion manipulation plays a pivotal role during a narcissistic divorce, creating another significant challenge in Handling a Narcissist Divorce.

Invalidating Emotions

Narcissists often dismiss others' feelings and emotions during divorce proceedings, aiming to gain an upper hand in the emotional warfare.

They thrive on belittling your reactions or feelings and create self-doubt, thereby attempting to erode your self-esteem and confidence.

Spreading Chaos

Narcissists are known to keep the situation volatile and chaotic to maintain their dominance.

By spreading chaos, they obfuscate the facts and details, making it challenging for the opposing party to maintain clarity and direction.

Photo of cash to show financial dominance of narcissist.

Financial Aggression

It's not uncommon for narcissists to use financials as a weapon during a divorce, intensifying the need for a proficient Family Lawyer Narcissist Divorce.

Financial Domination

Typically, narcissists aim to maintain financial control throughout the divorce proceedings.

Mastering such narcissistic divorce strategies includes hiding assets, deception regarding financial capabilities, and stalling tactics aimed at financial drain on the other party.

Economic Abuse

A more sinister tactic often employed by narcissists involves economic abuse, where they control or manipulate the spouse's access to economic resources, affecting their capacity to support themselves post-divorce.

This form of abuse can extend to limiting access to joint accounts, limiting access to financial information, or creating unnecessary expenditures, intending to weaken the spouse's financial position.

Image Concerns and Defense

Upholding Reputation

The narcissist’s intense desire to uphold a faultless public image plays a pivotal role in a Narcissist Spouse Divorce.

Public Appearance

A common trait of narcissists is their need to control how their divorce appears to the public.

They often go to great lengths to script a narrative that places them in a favorable light, sometimes at the expense of reality.

By manipulating this narrative, narcissists shield their ego from potential damage and maintain the illusion of superiority.


In an attempt to protect their idealized self-image, narcissists often resort to scapegoating.

They might blame others, especially the partner, for marital problems and the resulting divorce.

This tactic serves to divert attention from their shortcomings and paints them as the victim or the 'wronged party'.

Attacking the Partner's Reputation

Narcissists might attempt to malign their partner's reputation during the divorce process to draw attention away from their actions.

Smear Campaigns

Narcissists often resort to launching vicious smear campaigns against their spouse during divorce proceedings. These campaigns are designed to discredit and malign their partner, inflicting severe emotional abuse.

A narcissistic parent may spread malicious rumors or fabricate falsehoods to paint their spouse in a negative light, exemplifying classic narcissist behavior.

This devious strategy can significantly influence the perceptions of family members, friends, and even impact legal decisions in some cases.

Family law attorneys often encounter cases where a narcissist spouse employs such tactics, particularly in child custody battles.

The narcissist's behavior in these situations can be especially damaging, as they attempt to manipulate the narrative to their advantage.

Understanding how narcissists behave in divorce proceedings is crucial for those involved, including legal professionals and the targeted spouse, to effectively counter these harmful smear campaigns.

Using Children

Regrettably, in some instances, narcissists might manipulate their children in a bid to preserve their image.

They may try to turn the children against the other spouse or use them as pawns in their games, further complicating matters in a Family Lawyer Narcissist Divorce.

Photo of courtroom to represent legal battle with narcissist.

Legal Battles for Image Protection

Narcissists' attempts to protect their reputation often extend to their legal maneuvers.

This is where a seasoned Divorcing a Narcissist Lawyer plays a significant role.

Weaponizing the Legal System

Narcissists might weaponize the legal system, creating an aggressive legal battle in an effort to tarnish their ex-spouse’s image.

This could involve filing unnecessary motions, making false allegations, or resisting agreements, thereby dragging out the legal proceedings.

They view the legal battle as another platform to assert dominance, intending to impose emotional and financial stress on the ex-spouse.

Engaging High-Profile Lawyers

Narcissists may also seek representation from high-profile lawyers as a tactic to intimidate the spouse and reflect a sense of superiority.

While this might seem daunting, remember that the truth and a competent Divorce Lawyer for Narcissists can be your greatest defense.

Emotionless Disconnect

Lack of Empathy

A lot of people wonder Why Do Narcissists Drag Out Divorce and one of the reasons is they don’t have empathy.

Narcissists, in their self-obsession, display an inherent inability to empathize, a characteristic that can significantly complicate a Narcissist Spouse Divorce.

Emotional Void

Central to understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder Divorce is recognizing the emotional void narcissists experience.

Unlike typical divorces characterized by emotional commotion, a narcissist demonstrates an alarming absence of emotional connection to the breakup.

The process is viewed as a transaction, devoid of any emotional attachment to the shared history, love, or familial bonds.

Impact on Decision Making

This lack of empathy can materially affect their decisions during the divorce.

Narcissists make decisions based not on emotional considerations, but purely on what gives them an advantage, validates their ego, or meets their needs.

This approach often results in narcissists engaging in hurtful, demeaning, or destructive behavior during the divorce process.

Disregard for Emotional Trauma

Given the narcissist's emotional disconnect, they often cause extreme emotional trauma without experiencing remorse.

Emotional Trauma on Partners

Exiting a relationship with a narcissist often leaves a trail of emotional devastation.

The manipulative tactics, emotional games, and complete lack of empathy can deeply scar the other party, causing long-term emotional fallout.

This potential harm underscores the importance of seeking solid Narcissist Divorce Advice and maintaining robust support systems.

Emotional Trauma on Children

The emotional fallout extends beyond the partner; it can also severely affect children involved.

Children might be used as pawns or exposed to a parent's un-empathetic behavior, causing lingering emotional distress.

Dealing with this repercussion highlights why a competent Family Lawyer Narcissist Divorce is crucial in such cases.

Seeking New Supply

Another critical aspect of a narcissist's emotional disconnect is their constant quest for new emotional supply post-divorce.

Quick Relationship Turnarounds

Narcissists exhibit a tendency for quick relationship turnovers following a divorce.

Almost instantly, these individuals can replace their ex-spouse as they seek validation and admiration from a new source, often leaving their ex-spouses shocked and emotionally destabilized.

The New Supply

Post-divorce, narcissists may use their new partner as an emotional weapon, flaunting their new relationship to invoke jealousy, stir emotional turmoil, or incite conflict.

This tactic is especially harmful when children are manipulated into forming allegiances, creating another layer of complexity in a Narcissistic Abuse Divorce Law case.

Understanding these aspects can significantly aid in effectively Handling a Narcissist Divorce.


This article has delved deeply into the intricacies involved in a Narcissist Spouse Divorce.

It initially shed light on the narcissist's unquenchable craving for control and dominance, their emotional games, financial aggression, and their relentless pursuit of personal gain in divorce proceedings.

The discussion further explored their intense need to maintain a perfect image while attempting to tarnish their partner's reputation simultaneously.

Another vital aspect of the narcissistic divorce experience involves their inherent lack of empathy, leading to an emotional disconnect from the process.

This apathy often results in severe emotional trauma to the partner and the children involved.

Narcissists also tend to move on with alarming speed post-divorce, seeking new emotional supply and often using this new relationship as an emotional weapon against their ex-spouse.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are common tactics used by narcissists during a divorce?

Divorcing a narcissist often involves encountering manipulative tactics such as gaslighting, emotional manipulation, and intimidation.

Narcissists may prolong proceedings by creating conflicts, making false allegations, or refusing to cooperate on settlements.

They view the divorce as a battleground where they seek to assert control and dominance, often at the expense of emotional and financial stability.

2. How does a narcissist's lack of empathy impact the divorce process?

Narcissists' inherent lack of empathy can exacerbate the emotional toll of divorce.

They may disregard their spouse's emotions, belittle their concerns, or manipulate situations to undermine their credibility.

This emotional disconnect allows them to pursue their own interests without regard for the emotional trauma inflicted on their spouse and children, making the process particularly challenging and distressing.

3. What strategies can help protect oneself when divorcing a narcissist?

Protecting oneself in a narcissistic divorce involves several key strategies:

  • Legal Representation: Engage a lawyer experienced in high-conflict divorces, adept at navigating the complexities of narcissistic behavior.

  • Setting Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to minimize manipulation and emotional turmoil.

  • Building Support: Cultivate a strong support network of friends, family, and therapists to provide emotional validation and practical guidance.


Dealing with a narcissist in a divorce situation can be a harrowing experience.

They can turn a seemingly straightforward process into a convoluted and emotionally-drained battle.

Their lack of empathy, manipulation, and penchant for causing emotional trauma means the stakes are often high, necessitating a strong support system and the right legal advice.

The complexities involved in divorcing a narcissist underscore why the role of a qualified Divorce Lawyer for Narcissists is crucial.

Not only do they provide legal representation, but they also guide you through the emotional minefield, helping you guard your interests and achieve a resolution that keeps your dignity and sanity intact.

Remember that while the process may be challenging, you are not alone in this journey.

With the right support and guidance, you can not only survive a narcissistic divorce but also thrive beyond it.

Endurance, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to prioritizing your emotional well-being are keys to successfully navigating this tumultuous journey.

More Resources About Divorcing A Narcissist

  1. Judge Anthony’s Expert Guide To Divorcing A Narcissist

  2. How Do You Annihilate A Narcissist In Court?

  3. What Is The Cycle Of A Narcissist Divorce?

  4. Why does my narcissist husband want a divorce?

  5. Do Judges Recognize A Narcissist?


What Is The Fastest Way To Divorce A Narcissist? Quick Tips


How Do You Annihilate A Narcissist In Court?