What Happens When You Call Out a Narcissist? Be Prepared

Navigating interactions with narcissistic personalities can be incredibly challenging.

These individuals often display manipulative behaviors, are self-centered, and lack empathy.

What happens when you call out a narcissist?

When confronted, narcissists often react with denial, anger, or blame-shifting. They may use manipulation tactics like gaslighting, projection, or silent treatment to maintain control and avoid accountability.

Key Takeaways

  • Narcissists typically react with anger, denial, or blame-shifting when confronted.

  • Common tactics include gaslighting, projection, and silent treatment.

  • Understanding these reactions helps in preparing for and managing confrontations.

  • Maintaining boundaries and focusing on facts is crucial when dealing with a narcissist.

The Complexity of Confrontation

Calling out a narcissist adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

Understanding their potential reactions is crucial for anyone facing this difficult scenario.

Confronting a narcissist is rarely straightforward.

Narcissists are notorious for their defensive behavior and struggle to accept criticism.

Common Reactions

what happens when you call out a narcissist

When confronted, they often respond with anger or denial.

Sometimes, they even attempt to turn the tables on the person calling them out.

This makes exposing a narcissist a daunting task, filled with emotional and psychological complexities.

Preparing for the Challenge

The goal here is to explore the various ways a narcissist might react when challenged.

By understanding these potential responses, you can better prepare yourself for what lies ahead.

Immediate Reactions

Denial and Defensiveness


When confronting a narcissist, you are likely to encounter two immediate reactions: denial and defensiveness.

Narcissists possess an inflated sense of self-importance and a deep need for admiration.

This makes them highly resistant to any form of criticism.

Keep in mind that there are various types of narcissists. You can find out about them here.


When you call out a narcissist, they often refuse to acknowledge any fault or wrongdoing.

This denial serves as a defense mechanism that protects their fragile ego from the perceived threat of criticism.

Denial can manifest in various ways.

A narcissist might outright reject the validity of your claims.

They may insist that you are mistaken or overly sensitive.

Additionally, they may downplay the significance of their actions.


Defensiveness is another common reaction.

A narcissist may become highly agitated and argumentative.

They often seek to discredit you in order to protect their false self-image.

In these situations, they might bring up past grievances or unrelated issues.

This tactic diverts attention away from the current confrontation.

It is known as "whataboutism."



Another immediate reaction you might encounter when calling out a narcissist is projection.

Projection is a psychological defense mechanism.

In this mechanism, an individual attributes their own undesirable traits or behaviors onto someone else.

Shifting Blame

In the context of dealing with a narcissistic personality, this means the narcissist will attempt to shift the blame onto you or others.

They do this to deflect responsibility from themselves.

For example, if you confront a narcissist about their manipulative behavior, they might accuse you of being the manipulative one.

This tactic serves multiple purposes.

It diverts attention away from their actions.

Emotional Impact

Projection can be particularly damaging.

It can make you doubt your own perceptions and feelings.

When a narcissist accuses you of the very behaviors you are calling them out for, it creates a sense of cognitive dissonance.

This psychological conflict can leave you feeling disoriented and unsure of yourself.

As a result, it becomes harder to stand your ground.

Handling Projection

To effectively handle projection, it’s important to stay focused on the facts.

Do not get drawn into the narcissist's attempts to shift blame.

Keep the conversation centered on specific behaviors and their impact.

Avoid getting sidetracked by accusations and counter-accusations.

By maintaining a clear and objective perspective, you can better navigate the complexities of confronting a narcissist.

Immediate Reactions

Denial and Defensiveness


When confronting a narcissist, one of the most immediate reactions you are likely to encounter is denial and defensiveness.

Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance.

They also possess a deep need for admiration, which makes them highly resistant to any form of criticism.


When you call out a narcissist, they often refuse to acknowledge any fault or wrongdoing.

This denial serves as a defense mechanism.

It protects their fragile ego from the perceived threat of criticism.

Denial can manifest in various ways.

A narcissist might outright reject the validity of your claims.

They may insist that you are mistaken or overly sensitive.

Additionally, they may downplay the significance of their actions.


Defensiveness is an another way a narcissist react.

A narcissist may become highly agitated and argumentative.

They seek to discredit you in order to protect their self-image.

In these situations, they might bring up past grievances or unrelated issues.

This tactic diverts attention away from the current confrontation.

Known as "whataboutism," this strategy shifts the focus away from their behavior.

It places the spotlight on your perceived faults instead.

Understanding Reactions

Understanding these immediate reactions is crucial for anyone dealing with narcissistic behavior.

By recognizing the signs of denial and defensiveness, you can better prepare yourself.

This preparation is key for the emotional and psychological challenges that come with confronting a narcissist.

Awareness of these dynamics can help you maintain your composure.

You will be able to stay focused on the issue at hand.



Another immediate reaction you might encounter when calling out a narcissist is projection.

Projection is a psychological defense mechanism.

In this mechanism, an individual attributes their own undesirable traits or behaviors onto someone else.

Shifting Blame

In the context of dealing with a narcissistic personality, this means the narcissist will attempt to shift the blame onto you or others.

They do this to deflect responsibility from themselves.

For example, if you confront a narcissist about their manipulative behavior, they might accuse you of being the manipulative one.

This tactic serves multiple purposes.

It diverts attention away from their actions.

It confuses the person confronting them.

Emotional Impact

Projection can be particularly damaging.

It can make you doubt your own perceptions and feelings.

When a narcissist accuses you of the very behaviors you are calling them out for, it creates a sense of cognitive dissonance.

This psychological conflict can leave you feeling disoriented and unsure of yourself.

As a result, it becomes harder to stand your ground.

Handling Projection

To effectively handle projection, it’s important to stay focused on the facts.

Do not get drawn into the narcissist's attempts to shift blame.

Keep the conversation centered on specific behaviors and their impact.

Avoid getting sidetracked by accusations and counter-accusations.

By maintaining a clear and objective perspective, you can better navigate the complexities of confronting a narcissist.

You will be able to hold them accountable for their actions.

Manipulative Tactics




One of the most insidious manipulative tactics a narcissist employs when confronted is gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation.

In this tactic, the narcissist makes you question your reality and perception.

This approach is particularly effective because it undermines your confidence.

It makes you doubt your own experiences and memories.

Narcissistic Responses

When you call out a narcissist, they might respond by insisting that the events you are describing never happened.

They may claim that you are misremembering those events.

Common phrases include, "You're imagining things," or "That never happened."

These statements are designed to make you second-guess yourself.

Over time, this constant questioning can erode your sense of reality.

You may find yourself feeling confused and disoriented.

Subtle Manipulation

Gaslighting can also involve more subtle forms of manipulation.

A narcissist might twist your words or actions.

This manipulation makes it seem like you are the one at fault.

For example, if you confront them about their manipulative behavior, they might accuse you of being overly sensitive or paranoid.

This tactic shifts the focus away from their actions.

It places it onto your perceived flaws, making it harder for you to hold them accountable.

Understanding Gaslighting

Understanding gaslighting is crucial for anyone dealing with narcissistic behavior.

Recognizing the signs of this manipulative tactic can help you maintain your sense of reality.

It also protects your mental well-being.

It's important to trust your own perceptions.

If you find yourself doubting your experiences, seek external validation from trusted friends or professionals.

Smear Campaigns

what is a smear campaign


Another manipulative tactic that narcissists often use when confronted is the smear campaign.

A smear campaign involves attempting to discredit you in the eyes of others.

This tactic undermines your credibility and isolates you from potential sources of support.

Damaging Effects

The damage caused by a smear campaign can be particularly profound.

It can affect your long-term relationship, reputation, and overall sense of self-worth.

When you expose a narcissist or challenge their behavior, they may respond by spreading false information or malicious rumors about you.

They might tell others that you are unstable, untrustworthy, or even abusive.

By painting you in a negative light, the narcissist aims to turn others against you.

Isolation and Consequences

Smear campaigns can be incredibly isolating.

As people begin to believe the narcissist's lies, you may find yourself losing friends, colleagues, or even family members.

This isolation makes it even more difficult to stand up to the narcissist.

You may feel like you have no one to turn to for support.

Counteracting the Tactic

To counteract a smear campaign, it’s important to maintain your integrity.

Stay true to your values.

Document any interactions with the narcissistic people and their true nature.

Keep a record of their behavior to provide evidence if needed.

Communicate openly and honestly with those you trust.

Seek support from individuals who understand the dynamics of narcissistic abuse.

If you still want to want to know about smear campaign, you can read about it here.

Emotional and Behavioral Responses

Anger and Outbursts

Anger and Outbursts

One of the most common emotional responses you might encounter when confronting a covert narcissist is anger and outbursts.

A Narcissistic person often reacts to criticism or exposure with intense wrath and hostility.

This reaction serves multiple purposes.

It intimidates the person confronting them.

It shifts the focus away from their behavior.

Explosive Anger

When you call out a narcissist, they may respond with explosive anger.

This can include shouting or even physical aggression.

Such displays of narcissist rage are designed to make you back down.

They want you to reconsider your confrontation.

The intensity of their anger can be overwhelming.

Subtle Forms of Anger

In addition to overt outbursts, a narcissist might engage in more subtle forms of anger.

This can include passive-aggressive behavior.

They might make snide remarks or give you the cold shoulder.

Such behaviors signal their displeasure without directly addressing the issue.

This passive-aggressive behavior can be just as damaging as overt anger.

Understanding Their Reactions

Understanding the narcissist's reaction to criticism is crucial for anyone dealing with narcissistic behavior.

Recognizing that their anger is a defense mechanism can help you stay calm.

It allows you not to take their outbursts personally.

It's important to set boundaries.

Do not allow their anger to derail the conversation.

Staying Composed

By staying composed and focused, you can better manage the emotional challenges of confronting a narcissist.

This approach enables you to hold them accountable for their actions.

In doing so, you protect your own mental and emotional well-being.

Silent Treatment


Another common behavioral response from a narcissist when confronted is the silent treatment.

The silent treatment involves withdrawing communication and affection as a form of punishment tactics.

This tactic is designed to make you feel guilty, isolated, and desperate for their approval.

In doing so, it reasserts their lost control over the situation.

Withdrawal of Communication

When you expose a narcissist or challenge their behavior, they might respond by completely cutting off communication.

They may ignore your calls, texts, or attempts to engage in conversation.

This withdrawal can be incredibly painful, especially if you have a close relationship with the narcissist.

The sudden lack of communication can leave you feeling abandoned and unsure of how to proceed.

Emotional Manipulation

The silent treatment is a form of emotional manipulation.

Its goal is to make you feel responsible for the conflict.

By refusing to engage, the narcissist forces you to confront your own feelings of guilt and anxiety.

You may begin to question whether you were right to call them out in the first place.

This self-doubt makes it more likely that you will back down and seek to make amends.

Handling the Silent Treatment

To effectively handle the silent treatment, it's important to recognize it for what it is.

Understand that it is a manipulative tactic designed to control you.

Maintain your boundaries and resist the urge to chase after the narcissist for validation.

Instead, focus on your own well-being.

Seek support from trusted friends or professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are common reactions from a narcissist when confronted?

Narcissists typically react with anger, denial, or attempts to deflect blame.

These defensive behaviors make confrontation particularly challenging.

Understanding these reactions can help you prepare for future interactions.

2. How can I handle a narcissist's silent treatment?

To effectively handle the silent treatment, recognize it as a manipulative tactic designed to control you.

Maintain your boundaries and resist the urge to chase after the narcissist for validation.

Focus on your well-being and seek support from trusted friends or professionals.

3 What is gaslighting, and how do narcissists use it?

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where a narcissist makes you question your reality.

They might outright deny events or twist your words to make you doubt yourself.

Understanding gaslighting is crucial for maintaining your sense of reality and protecting your mental well-being.


Navigating interactions with narcissistic personalities is challenging.

Narcissists often display manipulative, self-centered behaviors and lack empathy.

When confronted, they typically respond with anger, denial, or blame-shifting.

These defensive reactions complicate any confrontation.

Understanding their potential responses can prepare you for future interactions.


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