Why Do Empaths Attract Narcissists? Psychology Explained

Empaths are known for their heightened sensitivity, deep compassion, and ability to feel and understand the emotions of others.

Narcissists, on the other hand, thrive on attention, manipulation, and an inflated sense of self-importance.

These seemingly opposite personality types are often drawn to one another, creating a relationship dynamic that can be both intense and damaging.

Understanding why empaths attract narcissists involves delving into the psychological makeup of both personalities and examining how their interactions unfold.

Why do empaths attract narcissists?

Empaths attract narcissists because they offer the validation and emotional support narcissists crave, while narcissists provide the challenge and intensity empaths often seek in relationships.

Key Takeaways

  • Empaths are highly sensitive and compassionate individuals who can absorb other people's emotions.

  • Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance and lack empathy.

  • Empaths are drawn to narcissists' charm and perceived need for healing.

  • Narcissists exploit empaths for validation and emotional energy.

  • The relationship often becomes toxic, with empaths feeling drained and devalued.

  • Empaths can protect themselves by setting healthy boundaries and recognizing red flags.

The Nature of Empaths

why do empaths attract narcissists

Empaths are individuals who have an extraordinary capacity to sense and absorb the emotional energy of others.

This heightened sensitivity allows them to deeply understand others' feelings, often making them nurturing, compassionate, and giving.

While these qualities can be incredibly positive, they also leave empaths vulnerable to emotional overwhelm, as empaths tend to prioritize others' needs over their own.

Empaths are natural healers

They derive satisfaction from helping others and are often drawn to people who need emotional support or who are going through difficult times.

This nurturing instinct is part of what makes empaths so appealing to narcissists, who often seek individuals they can control and manipulate.

The Narcissistic Personality

Narcissists, an individuals with narcissistic personality disorder exhibit traits like grandiosity, a lack of empathy, and an insatiable need for admiration.

At their core, narcissists have fragile egos and are constantly seeking validation to fill the void created by low self-esteem.

This need for attention often leads them to exploit the emotions of others for their own gain, leaving their partners feeling drained and undervalued.

Narcissists typically engage in manipulative behaviors, such as gaslighting, love bombing, and devaluation.

They seek out relationships where they can dominate and extract emotional energy, admiration, or other benefits.

For the narcissist, relationships are transactional—an avenue to bolster their ego and maintain control.

I have talked about several types of narcissists previously on Judge Anthony. You can take a look to learn more about them.

The Initial Attraction: Why Empaths Are Appealing to Narcissists

The Initial Attraction narcissist

At the beginning of a relationship between an empath and a narcissist, there is often a magnetic attraction.

Narcissists are drawn to empaths because of their empathy, kindness, and willingness to give.

Empaths, in turn, are often attracted to narcissists' apparent confidence, charm, and charisma, not realizing that these traits are superficial.

Narcissists Crave Validation

Narcissists Crave Validation

Empaths, being emotionally attuned to others, are excellent at providing validation.

Narcissists feed off this validation, using the empath’s emotional intelligence to boost their own self-worth.

Empaths are often eager to soothe the narcissist’s ego, especially when they perceive vulnerability behind the narcissist’s bravado.

Empaths Want to Heal

Empaths often see the potential for healing in others, and narcissists, with their underlying insecurities, present a challenge that empaths are eager to take on.

The empath may believe they can "fix" the narcissist, not realizing that narcissism is deeply ingrained and resistant to change.

Narcissists Present a Puzzle

For empaths, narcissists can present an emotional puzzle.

Narcissists often display contradictory behaviors—one minute they are loving and attentive, and the next, they are cold and dismissive.

This emotional inconsistency keeps the empath engaged, as they try to understand and rectify the situation.

The Power Dynamic: How Narcissists Exploit Empaths

Once a narcissist has successfully entered into a relationship with an empath, the power dynamic quickly shifts in favor of the narcissist.

Narcissists are skilled at identifying their partner’s emotional weaknesses and exploiting them for their own gain.

Manipulation Through Love Bombing

Love Bombing

In the early stages of the relationship, the narcissist often engages in love bombing—showering the empath with affection, attention, and compliments.

This creates a strong emotional bond, leaving the empath feeling valued and needed.

However, love bombing is a form of manipulation designed to secure control over the empath.

Gradual Devaluation

Gradual Devaluation

Once the narcissist feels secure in the relationship, the devaluation phase begins.

They start to criticize the empath subtly, undermining their confidence and making them question their worth.

The empath, being naturally introspective and self-critical, may start to believe that the problem lies with them, rather than with the narcissist’s manipulative behavior.


Narcissists often engage in gaslighting, a form of psychological manipulation where they make the empath doubt their perceptions and reality.

For example, a narcissist might dismiss an empath’s concerns by telling them they are “overreacting” or “being too sensitive.”

This tactic leaves the empath confused and emotionally destabilized, making it easier for the narcissist to maintain control.

Emotional Exhaustion

Over time, the empath becomes emotionally exhausted from constantly trying to please the narcissist and maintain harmony in the relationship.

This exhaustion makes it difficult for the empath to recognize the toxic nature of the relationship, as they are too depleted to take action.

Why Empaths Stay in Toxic Relationships

One of the most perplexing aspects of the empath-narcissist relationship dynamic is why empaths often stay in these toxic relationships for extended periods.

The emotional manipulation employed by the narcissist plays a significant role in trapping the empath, but there are other factors at play.

The Need to Heal

Empaths are inherently compassionate and driven by a desire to help others.

They often see the narcissist as someone who is deeply wounded and in need of healing.

This desire to "fix" the narcissist can keep the empath in the relationship, even when it becomes clear that their efforts are futile.

Fear of Abandonment

Fear of Abandonment

Narcissists are adept at creating dependency.

Through love bombing, gaslighting, and devaluation, they make the empath feel as though they are the only ones who can truly understand and support the narcissist.

This creates a fear of abandonment in the empath, who worries that leaving the relationship would leave the narcissist in emotional abuse and ruin.


Narcissists are masters of making their partners doubt themselves.

Through constant criticism and gaslighting, they chip away at the empath’s self-esteem.

Over time, the empath may come to believe that they are not worthy of love or that no one else would accept them.

Hope for Change

Despite the toxic nature of the relationship, empaths often hold on to the hope that the narcissist will change.

They may convince themselves that if they are just more patient or understanding, the narcissist will eventually come to appreciate them.

Breaking the Cycle: How Empaths Can Protect Themselves

While the relationship between an empath and a narcissist can be destructive, it is possible for empaths to break free from this toxic dynamic and protect themselves in future relationships.

Set Boundaries

Empaths need to learn the importance of setting clear emotional boundaries.

Narcissists will continuously push these boundaries if they sense that they can get away with it.

By establishing firm limits and refusing to tolerate manipulative behavior, empaths can prevent narcissists from taking advantage of them.

Prioritize Self-Care

Prioritize Self-Care

Empaths often neglect their own emotional well-being in favor of caring for others.

However, self-care is essential for maintaining emotional resilience.

Empaths should engage in practices that nurture their mental and emotional health, such as mindfulness, journaling, and spending time in nature.

Recognize Red Flags

Empaths can protect themselves by becoming more aware of the red flags that signal narcissistic abuse.

These include excessive self-centeredness, a lack of empathy, and a need for constant admiration.

By recognizing these traits early on, empaths can avoid becoming entangled in toxic relationships.

Seek Support

Breaking free from a narcissistic relationship is incredibly challenging, especially for an empath who has been emotionally manipulated.

Empaths should seek support from friends, family, or a therapist to help them navigate the complexities of leaving the relationship and rebuilding their self-esteem.

It is crucial for empaths to take care of their mental health issues, and trauma bond as narcissists may seem to care of your emotions as your own emotions but that's not the reality.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Why are empaths drawn to narcissists in the first place?

Empaths are often attracted to narcissists because they are natural caregivers who want to heal and help others.

They may see the narcissist’s underlying vulnerabilities and feel they can offer the emotional support needed to "fix" the narcissist.

Additionally, narcissists can be incredibly charming and charismatic in the early stages of a relationship, which can make empaths feel valued and special, further deepening the initial attraction.

2. How can an empath recognize that they are in a relationship with a narcissist?

Empaths can identify a relationship with a narcissist by recognizing certain behaviors such as gaslighting, manipulation, and emotional inconsistency.

Narcissists will often devalue the empath over time, create doubt about their self-worth, and show little empathy toward the empath’s feelings or needs.

If the relationship feels draining, with the empath constantly giving and the narcissist constantly taking, this is a strong indication of a toxic dynamic.

3. Can a narcissist ever change, and should an empath stay in the relationship to help?

It is highly unlikely that a narcissist will change, especially without professional intervention.

Narcissistic behavior is deeply ingrained, and most narcissists lack the self-awareness or desire to change.

While empaths may feel compelled to stay in the relationship to help, it is important to recognize that the relationship will likely continue to be one-sided and emotionally draining.

Prioritizing one’s own well-being and seeking support is essential for empaths to break free from toxic relationships.


The dynamic between empaths and narcissists is complex and rooted in the psychological makeup of both personalities.

While empaths are drawn to narcissists because of their desire to heal and nurture, narcissists seek out empaths for their vulnerability and emotional openness.

However, this attraction often leads to a toxic and unbalanced relationship, where the empath is left emotionally drained and the narcissist continues to manipulate and control.

For empaths, understanding the reasons behind this attraction is the first step toward breaking free from harmful relationships and protecting their emotional well-being.

By setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care/ self-love, and recognizing narcissistic behavior early on, empaths can avoid falling into the trap of being drawn into toxic dynamics and instead cultivate healthy, balanced relationships that support their emotional growth.


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