Communicate With A Narcissist During Divorce or Custody: The STD Approach

Divorce and child custody cases can be incredibly challenging, especially when you have to deal with a narcissistic ex-partner.

When faced with a narcissistic ex who sends you messages mixed with allegations, harassment, and nonsense, you can use The STD Approach to respond.

How to communicate with a narcissist during divorce or custody battle?

To communicate with a narcissist during a divorce or custody battle, you should use the STD Approach - Be a Sleuth (determine what requires a response), Take Your Time (don't react impulsively), and Exercise Discipline (ignore inflammatory content and focus only on relevant matters).

Key Takeaways:

  • Use the STD Approach (Be a Sleuth, Take Your Time, Exercise Discipline) when communicating with a narcissistic ex during divorce/custody cases.

  • Ignore messages filled with allegations and nonsense, and respond only to relevant information.

  • Don't react emotionally, take time to calm down before responding.

  • Focus solely on the productive parts of the message, and avoid getting dragged into drama.

What Is The STD Approach To Communicating With A Narcissist?

In the STD Approach, STD stands for Be A Sleuth, Take Your Time, and Exercise Discipline.

These three steps can help you navigate communication with a narcissistic ex and respond in a way that is productive and healthy for you.

Be a Sleuth and Determine What Requires a Response

Your first step in responding to mixed communication from the narcissist is to Be A Sleuth.

Narcissistic individuals thrive on attention and drama. They will often send messages that are filled with allegations and nonsense, with the intention of getting a reaction out of you.

Your first step is to be a sleuth and determine what requires a response.

Ask yourself, "Is this message relevant to the divorce or custody case? Is it with regard to the safety or best interests of the children? Does it require a response?"

If the message is not essential or productive, it's best to ignore it. (Or respond with “You know that's not true,” if it's a false allegation.)

However, if the message is relevant to the case or requires a response, it's important to craft your reply carefully (Using The WTF Method).

Take the time to read the message thoroughly, and try to understand the message's underlying tone and intentions. This will help you respond appropriately and avoid any unnecessary drama.

Take Your Time To Ensure You Have The Right Mindset

When dealing with narcissistic behavior from the other parent during a divorce or custody case, it's crucial to prioritize your mental health and remain calm.

Set firm communication boundaries and avoid reacting emotionally, as this can escalate the situation. Take a break if you feel triggered or angry, and engage in relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.

Once you've regained composure, craft a response that addresses the matter productively while protecting your well-being.

Remember, a clear mind will help you navigate these challenging circumstances more effectively.

Exercise Discipline By Not Responding To Any of the Nonsense

When dealing with individuals having narcissistic personality disorder during divorce or custody battles, it's crucial to exercise discipline in your responses.

The narcissist may try to provoke reactions by including irrelevant or inflammatory content in their messages, potentially related to co-parenting, child support, or even accusations of child abuse.

However, engaging with such nonsense can escalate the situation and lead to unnecessary drama. Instead, focus solely on the relevant and productive aspects of the message, avoiding any irrelevant or inflammatory content.

By maintaining control of the conversation and not reacting to their tactics, you can navigate this mentally taxing situation more effectively while protecting your well-being and the best interests of your children.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is The STD Approach in communicating with a narcissistic ex-partner, and how can it help in divorce and custody cases?

The STD Approach is a strategy for dealing with communication from a narcissistic ex-partner, especially in the context of divorce and child custody disputes.

It stands for Be A Sleuth, Take Your Time, and Exercise Discipline.

This approach helps you to sift through messages to determine what genuinely requires a response, encourages you not to react impulsively or emotionally, and reminds you to maintain discipline by not engaging with any inflammatory content.

By using the STD Approach, you can respond in a way that is productive, avoids unnecessary drama, and protects your interests and well-being during the legal process.

2. How do you determine which messages from a narcissistic ex-partner require a response?

When dealing with a narcissistic ex-partner, it's important to Be A Sleuth and critically evaluate the content of their messages.

Ask yourself if the message is relevant to the divorce or custody case, pertains to the safety or best interests of the children, or legally requires a response.

If the message is filled with false allegations or irrelevant information designed to provoke you, it's often best to ignore it or respond minimally.

However, if it's pertinent to the case, take the time to craft a careful and considered response, possibly using The WTF Method to ensure your reply is focused and effective.

3. Why is it important to Take Your Time and Exercise Discipline when responding to a narcissistic ex-partner?

Taking your time is crucial to avoid being emotionally triggered and to ensure that your response is measured and appropriate.

The Wait An Hour Rule can be helpful; it suggests waiting at least an hour before replying to a message when you're feeling angry or upset.

This allows you to calm down and approach the situation with a clear mind.

Exercising discipline is equally important because a narcissistic ex-partner may include inflammatory content in their messages to provoke you.

By focusing only on the relevant parts of the message and ignoring the rest, you maintain control of the conversation and avoid being dragged into further conflict or drama.


In conclusion, dealing with a narcissistic ex during a high-conflict divorce or custody case can be incredibly challenging.

However, by using The STD Approach, you can respond in a way that is healthy and productive for you.

Remember to Sleuth and determine what requires a response, Take Your Time and ensure you're in the right frame of mind, and exercise Discipline to avoid engaging with any of the nonsense.

With these three steps, you can navigate communication with a narcissistic ex and maintain your sanity during a difficult time.


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