Learn How to respond to a narcissist ex With The WTF Method

Narcissists are known for their manipulative and controlling behavior, and they can make the process of separation or custody negotiations even more difficult by using your own communication against you.

Breaking free from the trauma bond with a narcissistic parent while co-parent in toxic relationships is a challenging journey. Today, I'm going to show you how to respond to a narcissist ex that can help you manage the situation better.

How to respond to a narcissist ex

Use the WTF Method: Respond Warmly (be civil), keep responses To the Point (avoid arguments), and Forget About It (don't let it affect you emotionally). Document all interactions and prioritize your mental health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use the WTF Method: Warm, To the Point, Forget About It.

  • Maintain civility and respect in communications.

  • Keep responses focused and avoid emotional arguments.

  • Document all interactions for potential legal use.

  • Prioritize mental health and seek professional support.

How To Respond To The Narcissist During Your Child Custody Battle

When responding to the narcissist during a child custody battle, it's important to keep in mind the best interests of your child, if there are children involved.

In some cases, the court may order you to respond to certain requests from your ex, and it's important to abide by these orders.

To help you respond effectively to your narcissistic abuse, use The WTF Method, created by Judge Anthony. Here's what each letter stands for:

  1. W - Warmly;

  2. T - To the Point; and

  3. F - Forget About It.

How To Respond Warmly To Your Narcissistic Ex During A Child Custody Battle

You can respond warmly to your narcissistic ex during a child custody battle by keeping things civil and respectful which will put you in a positive light with the judge.

You most likely don't have any warm feelings towards your ex, and that's understandable!

Yet, it's important to keep your communication warm and polite.

This doesn't mean that you have to be overly friendly, but being respectful and courteous can help keep things civil, and can put you in a positive light, should a judge, evaluator or guardian ad litem ever take a look at the communication.

How To Keep Responses To The Point With The Narcissist During Your Custody Case

You can keep your responses “to the point” with the narcissist during your custody case by refusing to engage in lengthy conversations and refusing to get drawn into arguments.

Narcissists can be highly manipulative, so it's important to keep your responses focused and to the point.

Don't engage in lengthy conversations or get drawn into arguments. Stick to the facts and avoid getting emotional.

How To Forget About The Conversations With Your Narcissistic Ex During A Child Custody Battle

You can forget about the conversations with your narcissistic ex during a child custody battle by refusing to allow their behavior to get to you or affect your emotional state.

If your ex is making unreasonable demands or is trying to manipulate you, it's important to learn to let go.

Don't let their behavior get to you or affect your emotional state as then you'll be lulled into responding poorly after you're already engaged in communication.

Remember that you have the power to control your responses and reactions. Thus, it's important to “Forget About It” and treat each communication as an isolated conversation.

Bonus Tip For You:

How to Prioritize Mental Health When Responding to Your Narcissist Ex During a Custody Battle

Navigating a relationship with a narcissistic ex-husband or ex-wife can be emotionally taxing due to their toxic behavior. To protect your mental health, it's essential to set firm boundaries.

These boundaries serve as a shield against their manipulative and demanding behaviors, allowing you to maintain your emotional well-being.

Seeking support from a mental health professional is a key component of this strategy. They can provide you with guidance and coping mechanisms specifically tailored to dealing with narcissistic relationships.

A trained therapist can help you recognize and manage the emotional toll that this dynamic can take, allowing you to regain a sense of control and stability in your life.

Also, there might some tricky situation when you'll receive narcissist text message by your ex-spouse who wants to hurt you with emotional abuse and that time, you need to stay calm and not engage in their toxic games.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is the purpose of The WTF Method in communicating with a narcissistic ex during a child custody battle?

The WTF Method, created by Judge Anthony, is a structured approach to communicating with a narcissistic ex during a child custody battle.

The method emphasizes responding Warmly, keeping responses To the Point, and then choosing to Forget About the conversation.

The primary purpose is to maintain civility, avoid getting drawn into manipulative arguments, and protect one's emotional well-being.

By adhering to this method, individuals can present themselves in a positive light in court and ensure that the best interests of the child remain the focus.

2. Why is it important to document all communication and interactions with a narcissistic ex?

Documenting all communication and interactions with a narcissistic ex is crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, it provides a record of events and conversations, which can be beneficial if there are discrepancies or disputes about what was said or done.

Secondly, it can serve as evidence in court to showcase patterns of behavior, especially if the narcissistic ex is manipulative or making false claims.

Lastly, having a documented record can help in making decisions that are in the best interest of the child, ensuring that the child's welfare remains the primary concern.

3. How can one maintain a "warm" demeanor without appearing overly friendly or compromising their boundaries with a narcissistic ex?

Maintaining a "warm" demeanor doesn't necessarily mean being overly friendly or compromising personal boundaries.

Instead, it refers to being respectful, courteous, and civil in communication.

One can achieve this by using polite language, avoiding personal attacks or derogatory comments, and staying focused on the topic at hand.

It's about ensuring that the communication remains productive and doesn't escalate into unnecessary conflict, all while safeguarding one's emotional well-being and ensuring the child's best interests are prioritized.

By using The WTF Method when responding to your narcissistic ex, you can help keep things civil and avoid getting drawn into unnecessary arguments.

Additionally, it's important to document all communication and interactions with your ex, especially if there are children involved. This can help you build a case if needed in court.

In conclusion, responding to a narcissistic ex during a divorce or custody battle can be challenging. However, by using The WTF Method, you can keep your communication civil, focused, and respectful. Remember to keep the best interests of your child in mind and document all communication for future reference.

Need extra help preparing for your case? Go take a look at Judge Anthony's online courses that will help you in your high conflict divorce or child custody battle.


Communicate With A Narcissist During Divorce or Custody: The STD Approach


Setting Boundaries with a Toxic Ex: Why Their Negative Reactions Are a Sign You're Doing it Right in Your High Conflict Divorce or Child Custody Case