Setting Boundaries with a Toxic Ex: Why Their Negative Reactions Are a Sign You're Doing it Right in Your High Conflict Divorce or Child Custody Case

High conflict divorce or child custody cases can be extremely difficult and emotionally taxing, especially when you are dealing with a toxic and narcissistic ex-partner. In these situations, setting boundaries is crucial to maintaining your mental and emotional well-being, as well as protecting yourself and your children from further harm.

However, when you set boundaries with a toxic ex, it is almost inevitable that they will try to gaslight, manipulate or guilt-trip you into giving up your boundaries. They may accuse you of holding grudges, being selfish, or not caring about others. This can make it incredibly hard to stick to your boundaries and maintain your resolve.

You’re Doing It Right!

But here’s the truth: if your ex is responding negatively to your boundaries, it means that you are doing something right! It means that you are taking control of the situation and prioritizing your own well-being and that of your children. It means that you are setting firm and effective boundaries that are making your narcissistic ex uncomfortable and challenging their sense of control.

It’s important to understand that toxic exes often have a distorted view of reality and will manipulate situations to make themselves look like the victim. They will use any means necessary, including guilt-tripping, gaslighting, and emotional blackmail, to get what they want. By setting boundaries, you are putting a stop to this toxic behavior and taking control of the situation.

It’s Not About Punishment…

Remember, setting boundaries is not about punishing your ex or getting revenge. It’s about taking care of yourself and your children and creating a safe and healthy environment for everyone involved. It’s about creating a clear and consistent set of rules that everyone must follow in order to maintain a healthy relationship.

If your ex accuses you of holding grudges or being selfish when you set boundaries, don’t let it get to you. Remember that you are doing what is best for you and your family, and that you are not responsible for your ex’s feelings or behavior. Stay firm in your boundaries and don’t let your ex’s manipulations sway you.

In conclusion, setting boundaries is an essential step to take when dealing with a toxic and narcissistic ex-partner in a high conflict divorce or child custody case. While it can be difficult to maintain your resolve when your ex tries to guilt-trip or manipulate you, remember that their negative reactions are a sign that you are doing something right. Stay strong, stay firm in your boundaries, and prioritize your own well-being and that of your children above all else.

If you want more help in setting boundaries in your divorce or child custody case, sign up for Judge Anthony’s free masterclass, “How To Beat A Narcissist In Court, So You Can Finally Get Some Peace!”


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