Here's How to overcome gaslighting in a Divorce Case
Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic used to make the victim doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.

Navigating a Child Custody Battle with a Narcissist: How Their Tactics May Impact Your Case
The narcissist’s emotional and verbal outbursts, combined with their inflated sense of entitlement, can make it difficult for the other parent

How Can I get Text Messages from my Ex to Admit in Court: Guide
Want to use text messages from your ex as evidence in court? Judge Anthony teaches a strategy to do just that!

Three Keys to Presenting Physical Evidence In Family Court
Presenting physical evidence in a family court hearing or trial can be a difficult task, but understanding the importance of relevance, laying foundation, and authentication can help you ensure your evidence makes the most impact.

How To Beat A Pit Bull Attorney By Turning Them Into A Puppy
Don't let a toxic ex and their pit bull attorney push you around - turn them into a PUPPY to strategically plan your approach and win your high conflict divorce or child custody battle.

5 Questions to Ask a Custody Lawyer Before Hiring Them
Don’t just hire the first family law attorney you find - ask them five key questions to ensure you have the right fit for your case.

How To Deal With Narcissist False Accusations in a Child Custody Case
In child custody cases involving a narcissist, it is important to recognize the difference between their false allegations and the truth in order to protect your rights.

How To Survive A Divorce: The Power Of FML
If you’re dealing with a high conflict family court case, focus on FML to get the momentum going in your favor.

4 Tips to Prepare for zoom divorce hearing: Key Points
Explore these 4 essential tips to be prepared for a family court hearing via Zoom for your divorce or child custody case.

The 5 New Year’s Resolutions Your Narcissistic Ex Doesn’t Want You To Make In A Divorce Or Custody Case
Start your New Year off on the right foot by making these 5 New Year's Resolutions for dealing with a narcissistic ex.

Surviving Holidays in a Custody Battle as a Child: Tips
Learn to how survive Holidays in a Custody Battle as a Child when your parents are in the middle of legal fight
Navigating the Holidays During a High-Conflict Divorce or Child Custody Case
During a high conflict divorce or child custody case, the holidays can bring out the worst in people.

How to Choose the Best Family Court Attorney for Your High Conflict Divorce or Child Custody Battle
Finding the right family court attorney for a high conflict divorce or child custody battle is an important decision.

Financial Abuse Divorce: The Impact In A Child Custody Case With A Narcissistic Ex — Judge Anthony
Financial abuse is a serious problem in family court cases, particularly when the parties involved have a narcissistic ex.

What Should You Do if Your Ex Talks Badly about You to Your Kids?
Romantic breakups take a toll on everyone—especially the children involved.

How to Explain Custody to a Child: Gentle Approaches
Everyone suffers in a child custody case. But, the children suffer the most.

4 Reasons Why A Narcissist Goes Crazy During A Child Custody Case
A divorce or child custody case with a narcissist is the absolute worst. Here’s why…

How To Prove Someone Is Lying In Court
One of the most frustrating things in family court is when the other party continually lies and gets away with it.

3 Signs You’re In A Custody Battle With A Narcissist
We hear the term narcissist thrown around all the time in family court cases…